Topic: WorldNetDaily
The war today in Israel is not primarily Israel vs. Hamas or Hezbollah, or Syria, or Iran or all of Islam. It is a civil war of Jews – the globalist Synagogue of Satan "Jews" of the United States vs the ultra-nationalist authentically Judean Jews who came to power in Israel last November for the very first time since the British repatriated the Jewish people in their ancestral, God-covenanted homeland in 1917. This new Jewish government represents primarily the Sephardic minority, descendants of Jewish "golden age" on the Iberian Peninsula whose ethnic claims to the Holy Land have never been contested – as opposed to the majority Askenazi Jews of largely Khazarian (non-Hebrew) ethnicity by way of Germany (where the literal Seat of Satan was reconstructed by the last Caesar of the Second Reich in the late 1800s and so very many modern evils originated).
To be clear, Khazarian heritage does not in itself disqualify any individual from membership in authentic Judaism, because the Mosaic Law had always allowed for non-Hebrew conversions (Deuteronomy 23:1-8). But it is from this cohort of Jews that the evil branch of Torah-defying fake Jews has grown into a world-strangling vine heavily laden with the Grapes of Sodom: the George Soros and Paul Singer and Chuck Schumer types.
To understand what is happening in Israel we must step back to see the bigger picture of the entire world at war. In a very real sense World War III began with the election of Barack Obama to the White House, whom many still recognize as a prime candidate for the final Antichrist even though he mostly lurks in the shadows at present. It was Obama who dramatically escalated the globalist campaign for world control – sponsoring along with "Pope" Francis the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is the final blueprint for achieving global government and which the U.N. has ominously just pledged to complete in the seven remaining years – even while admitting they are behind schedule (consider the implications of THAT).
The loss of Israel to the nationalists was the ultimate nightmare scenario of the Synagogue of Satan globalist "Jews" who have since engaged in all-out political and judicial warfare to stop the them from reforming the leftist-controlled Israeli judiciary (where the real power over policy is wielded, just as is true in the U.S.). In the past month these globalist "Jews" seemingly lost that domestic Israeli battle, while at the same time realizing they have lost the Ukraine proxy war. Their time for desperate measures had come – and for that reason, I believe, THEY unleashed Hamas on Israel. (Netanyahu may or may not be complicit, but it's too soon to tell.) And when, not if, the true Jews build the Third Temple, these globalists will somehow wrest control of it from them and install their own man – Satan's man – in that place.
So, yes, Israel clearly is in a multi-front war, but the central and most consequential front is the civil war the media is not covering.
-- Scott Lively, Oct. 30 WorldNetDaily column
(Yes, WND really does want you to think that Obama is the Antichrist.)