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Wednesday, December 6, 2023
WND Laughably Tries To Portray Pro-Palestine Protest As 'Insurrection'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh wrote in an Oct. 18 WorldNetDaily article:

Pro-Hamas protesters staged what some are calling an "insurrection" at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, demanding Israel stop its response to the terror attack staged by Hamas on innocent civilians days ago, where whole families were burned alive and babies beheaded.

And U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican firebrand from Georgia, wondered why they weren't being arrested.

Lots of false information in just two tiny paragraphs. First, the protest didn't take place in the Capitol -- it took place in the Cannon Office Building near the Capitol. Second, more than 300 protesters were arrested, discrediting Greene's talking point. Further, Unruh offered no evidence that the protests were "pro-Hamas"; rather, the protesters were calling for a cease-fire in the war between Israel and Hamas to protect innocent civilians in Gaza.

Unruh also invoked the amorphous "some" to try and portray the protest as an "insurrection," a ridiculous claim that Sarah Rumpf shot down at Mediaite:

Wednesday’s protesters who entered the Cannon building were not attempting to disrupt any official federal government proceeding (the basis for many of the charges against Jan. 6 rioters), overturn any election, or otherwise interrupt any congressional vote or action.

They were just…protesting.

That’s not an “insurrection.” (It’s a more minor issue but it should be emphasized that the Cannon building is the offices, not the Capitol itself where the House and Senate meet and vote, moving this even further away from being an insurrection.)

Moreover, the public is normally allowed into the Cannon building; I’ve visited many times myself. The protesters did not break any laws by merely entering the building and they didn’t have to assault any police officers or knock down police barricades to enter. It was the activity of protesting and blocking the ability of others to move through the area that is not allowed inside the building that triggered the police to arrest them.

In contrast, due to the security threats at the time, the presence of Vice President Mike Pence and all of the members of Congress, and the important official business of the Electoral College certification, the Capitol was closed to the public on Jan. 6, 2021.

Unruh then quickly flipped to repeating discredited right-wing talking points defending the Capitol riot:

After all, more than a thousand people, protesting at the time what they considered to be a stolen election, were arrested, often at the point of a SWAT team gun in a raid, and jailed, sometimes for years, before they were given a trial, and THEN sentenced to more jail for the Jan. 6, 2021, protest-turned riot.

And since then, there has been significant documentation of the bias in that election, including Mark Zuckerberg's $400 million plus handed out to recruit voters from Democrat districts to help Joe Biden.

Even more significant was the FBI's decision to interfere in the election, by warning media outlets to suppress the accurate reporting on the Biden family scandals revealed in a laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden at a repair shop. A subsequent survey confirmed Biden almost undoubtedly would have lost had that information been routinely reported.

As responsible journalists have pointed out, Zuckerberg's money was available to any election agency who wanted it, get-out-the-vote efforts are not illegal, and there's no evidence any money went to exclusively recruit "Democrat" voters. And that "survey" Unruh is referencing regarding Hunter Biden's laptop is presumably the one done by the Media Research Center, which paid Trump's 2020 election polister and another firm founded by Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway -- both dubious sources -- to do them.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:06 PM EST

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