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Friday, December 1, 2023
Failed Musician Hirsen Lectures Taylor Swift
Topic: Newsmax

James Hirsen began his Oct. 25 Newsmax column by praising Taylor Swift's success with her concert film, gushing that she "made the decision to bypass the studios and instead deal directly with movie theaters. The results have been remarkable." He then praised the way she appeals to her fans:

Swift's recent movie success has a lot to do with the unique manner in which she has structured her career.

She seems to have understood at a very young age that art has an intrinsic "mission." It's not enough to merely be created. It must be shared.

It is in the sharing that a relationship is formed. And it is in the relationship that mutual appreciation and admiration blossom.

Consistent with the artist's mission, Swift dutifully placed her audience first. As a result, she acquired a highly dedicated fan base, many of whom continue to endure.

From there, however, Hirsen went into complaint mode, grumbling that she started with "early hits about first love," then moved to where "optimism turns to cynicism" then, ultimately, "moves significantly to the dark side both musically and lyrically." From there, he lectured her about it being somehow a bad thing that she stopped writing silly love songs and that she's not living up to her "responsibility" to her fans by writing about other things:

Young Taylor initially wrote and performed songs that primarily focused on the search for the one with whom she could find true love.

As time passed, the music and lyrics changed, possibly a reflection of transitions occurring within her own life.

In any event, darkness, cynicism, and coldness, which are reflected in the melodies, lyrics, and video imagery of later eras, reveal a hardened heart.

Whether or not this is the case in Swift's personal circumstance, it is important to keep in mind that along with fame comes responsibility.

This is because fans put the recipient of their admiration on a pedestal and are influenced by things said and done.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is hoping for a Swift return to her songwriting roots.

And a resurrection of the artistic mission she was graced with at the start.

While Hirsen named a few songs he supposedly objects to, he didn't explain what, exactly, is wrong with them or how they are on "the dark side both musically and lyrically." Given that she has grown and maintained her fanbase throughout all these changes Hirsen is criticizing, one can argue that she's doing just fine with her career and doesn't really need unsolicited advice from a right-wing writer who may be jealous that his own music career (he has worked as a session musician and onetime touring keyboardist for the Temptations) didn't exactly take off.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:56 PM EST

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