Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh tried to sound evenhanded in an Sept. 12 article, but then immediately grow conspiratorial:
One of the products of the COVID-19 pandemic that came out of China and circled the globe, killing millions, was a new and heightened awareness of vaccines and other shots that government medicos want everyone to take.
But what remains still in dispute is just exactly what good, or bad, they did. How helpful, or injurious, were they?
Now the U.S. government is approving the rollout of a whole new list of COVID shots, even though the strain now circulating is far more mild than those of years gone by.
It is important for some in the elite levels of government to continue to have the public in fear because it is a way to exercise vast controls over the American population: No shot? No airline ticket. Or no meeting in public. Or no access to schools. Or this is the only process for you to vote. And worse.
It seems important for Unruh and WND to continue to have the public in fear of COVID vaccines. Which led up to the point of his article:
But now a major influencer in the medical world, Peter McCullough, and the World Council for Health, are recommending a go-slow approach not just to COVID shots, but others that have become so common.
McCullough, of course was one of the medical experts who was censored repeatedly during the earlier battles with COVID because of his medical conclusions he drew about the pandemic.
For example, Meta stifled his comments, and those from "America's Frontline Doctors," because they offered preventative treatments for COVID, especially focusing on Americans who distrusted the rush-job shots that actually now have been documented as causing significant injury to many.
McCullough now has issued a statement, on behalf of the WCH, that cites it as the "first international body of physicians, scientists, and health professionals to issue a cautionary statement on the ever-expanding routine childhood vaccine schedule."
He explained, "This is in response to growing concerns over the safety of many vaccines given early at life during the same administration."
Unruh laughably described the World Council for Health as a "major medical group" in his headline; in fact, it's a fringe anti-vaxxer group with no significant following or influence outside the anti-vaxx community. McCullough, of course, is a discredited COVID misinformer -- and WND favorite -- who has been repeated exposed as spreading misinformation about COVID treatment and vaccines.
Unruh went on to uncritrically repeat anti-vaxx propaganda from the group:
Then there's the "unprecedented" surge in autism, asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, depression and more" and the causes of those catastrophes "have not been established."
Worse yet, "Much of what we have been told about the success of early vaccines, including smallpox and polio vaccines is emerging as untrue. Clean water, modern plumbing, hygiene, refrigeration, and improved nutrition are real factors that have correlated with the dramatic reduction in many infectious diseases over the past century."
Nor have the necessary evaluations been completed to determine whether vaccinations forced on children alone, or together with others, are linked to poor health outcomes compared with children who remain unvaccinated.
Worsening the threat, the findings noted, national regulators have been turning a blind eye to the evidence linking childhood vaccinations with autism, and evidence linking the shots to asthma, allergies and more.
Specifically regarding COVID-19, the conclusions warned, "evidence from independent experts and official international databases show that the COVID-19 vaccines are not effective and are not safe, raising serious questions around the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccines for babies and children."
Unruh offered no reality-based viewpoint to counter the medically dubious propaganda the World Council for Health is spouting here.