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Tuesday, October 24, 2023
WND Misleads On Trump's (Fourth) Indictment, Lazily Repeats Attacks On Prosecutor
Topic: WorldNetDaily

As with his first three indictments, WorldNetDaily was in full defense-and-victimhood mode when Donald Trump's fourth indictment was handed down. It lazily reprinted another outlet's news story on the indictment itself -- surprisingly, from hated "liberal media" org NBC News. Then the usual WND nuttery kicked in; bob Unruh wrote in a Aug. 15 article:

A partisan Georgia prosecutor has unleashed an encyclopedia of charges against President Donald Trump and more than a dozen others who raised concerns about the 2020 election results.

Fani Willis, in fact, "threw a bunch of stuff at the wall trying to get something, anything to stick," according to a Twitchy commentary on Tuesday.

And the fact that she was reaching, far, for something to make a crime was evident in her results.

On social media, it was explained that she now is making illegal:

  • Asking people for phone numbers
  • Reserving rooms in a Capitol building
  • Telling people to watch TV
  • Holding meetings
  • Calling people
  • Setting up phone calls

And much, much more.


Explained the commentary: "Asking for phone numbers? Reserving rooms in a Capitol building? TELLING PEOPLE TO WATCH TV. Bro, we're all getting charged at this rate."

Unruh is lying. The indictment does not claking that making phone calls is illegal; rather, it listed those calls and other activities as part of the "overt acts" that formed the conspiracy that Trump was charged with. Nevertheless, Unruh repeated his lie in an Aig. 18 article that peddled a different conspiracy therory:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has released a bombshell about the latest indictment, from the state of Georgia, of President Donald Trump.

That indictment, which critics have charged makes it illegal to make a phone call or hold a meeting, claims that Trump and more than a dozen others engaged in illegal actions to contest the 2020 election results.

Now, a report at PJMedia explains that Gingrich confirmed a "reliable source" told him orders came from Washington, D.C. for Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis, to bring charges against Trump.

The explanation, the report said, was that "they" needed a distraction "from the 'screw-up' involving David Weiss," who recently was appointed special counsel to continue the government's years-long investigation of Hunter Biden on tax and gun charges.

Gingrich is simply repeating gossip that he can't back up -- even he admits it's nothing but "hearsay" -- but Unruh won't tell you that.

Unruh touted partisan attacks on Willis in an Aug. 24 article:

Members of the Republican Party in Congress have notified Fani Willis, the leftist Georgia prosecutor who unleashed a multiple-count indictment against nearly 20 people who allegedly conspired with President Trump during the 2020 election by making "phone calls" and such that they want answers about her agenda.

The Federalist has reported it is GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee who wrote to Willis demanding answers.

"Your indictment and prosecution implicate substantial federal interests, and the circumstances surrounding your actions raise serious concerns about whether they are politically motivated," the letter warns.

WND offloaded news about Trump's arraignment to another outside article. Meanwhile, Unruh regurgitated another attack on Willis the next day:

The DA in Georgia prosecuting President Donald Trump for his election doubts, and his statements about those, has been revealed as having her own doubts about elections, and making public statements about those.

Trump was booked Thursday on counts in an indictment created by Fani Willis, who is a hard-left activist who is fundraising on her agenda against Trump.

It's one of four indictments pending against Trump, and has been described as possibly the most political of the four, as it appears to make criminal the act of making a phone call or having a meeting.

After the process, Trump tweeted his booking photo and the statement, "Never Surrender."


Now a report at the Post-Millennial has documented Willis' own agenda to undermine trust in elections.

The report explained it was Benny Johnson, who broke news on X that Willis, "is heavily partisan."

The report explained, "Johnson shared a post from Willis' Facebook page in which she was 'feeling annoyed' on November 4, 2020, election day. 'Georgia could determine who is our next president,' she wrote, 'A TEAM of lawyers needs to watch them count every single VOTE. They can start in Fulton where we are having water leaks. What ballots are they throwing out? Georgia lets (sic) give an honest accounting. No stunts!"

Unruh did not mention that Willis did not incite an insurrection over losing anelection and that she has apparently accepted investigations into the Georgia vote that found no anomalies.

Unruh went on to repeat more right-wing attacks on Willis and the indictment:

Of course, Unruh is just doing stenography here -- there's no actual reeporting involved. Rewriting others' content is not the same as generating your own, so it's unclear what value there is in WND doing it, aside from it being cheaper for the cash-strapped "news" organization to do.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:21 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 2:37 PM EDT

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