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Friday, October 6, 2023
FAKE NEWS: WND Falsely Calls Maui Dust Screens A Sinister 'Biden Curtain'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Joe Kovacs ranted in a Aug. 28 article:

It's already being called "The Biden Curtain," as new videos from Lahaina, Maui, reveal miles of black curtains erected to prevent people from seeing what's happening at the origin site of this month's catastrophic wildfires in Hawaii.

Geoff Cygnus, a citizen journalist on TikTok, posted the video, with a caption reading: "Miles and miles of black fencing being put up in Lahaina. Ground Zero is now behind the Biden curtain."

"There seems to be a huge emphasis on ensuring that the media and anyone else can't see what's going on," Cygnus reported.

"There are miles and miles of this black fence going up that was not here before that is obscuring ground zero and making sure no one can see what's going on inside of there from the road, no one can get in there, no one can take any pictures."

"I was almost immediately, after these 20 seconds, National Guard came and chased me off, yelled at me, told me to get back in my car and keep moving. So you cannot pull over. You can't even stop you car anywhere near any of this anymore."

In addition to the National Guard, Cygnus says there are "regular police, and what I have dubbed 'special police,' which are these police cars that are foreign made. The people that are driving them are not – they don't look like any police I've ever seen in the United States. So kind of a bizarre situation, but they have a huge presence standing guard ensuring that nothing can be documented."

Cygnus -- and, thus, Kovacs -- is lying. What was being installed were screens to keep dust from blowing, as a more responsible media outlet reported:

The state Department of Transportation is installing nearly 30,000 linear feet of dust screen for the protection of highway users on Honoapiʻilani Highway (Route 30) and the Lahaina Bypass (Route 3000).

The work started on Aug. 16 with Maui-based contractors teaming up for the project that should take about a month to complete. The teams are constructing a fence that will stretch more than 5 miles.

Another credible media outlet similarly reported:

Dust screens started getting installed on Aug. 16 to protect drivers from debris flying across Honoapiilani Hwy. and the Lahaina Bypass.

The DOT continues installing the dust screens and said that it will eventually stretch more than five miles.

This work will allow continued safe access to West Maui, while recovery crews continue their work in the area.

The truth is apparently too boring for Kovacs, however, and decided that the rantings of some random guy on TikTok -- whom he tried to elevate into a "citizen journalist" without offering any reason why he should be trusted -- was more interesting and clickable.

And Kovacs and his co-workers wonders why nobody trusts WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:04 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 6, 2023 6:10 PM EDT

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