Topic: WorldNetDaily
If an award were to be given for the person(s) who has done the most to destroy America from within, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George Soros and Barack Obama would be tied at the top with Biden making a valiant effort to climb into the ignominious groupage. Notwithstanding the behind-the-scenes efforts, Bush, Clinton and Obama are contributing from the shadows to pull the dead-from-the-neck-up Biden down the ladder into the godless abyss so-called American leadership is determined to render the United States.
Aided and abetted by the apparatchiks masquerading as a trustworthy media, the aforementioned have done more to destroy America from within than activist courts and public schools. Jimmy Carter deserves honorable mention.
Apart from assembling Mao, Marx, Stalin, Lenin and W.E.B. du Bois into one organization for the supposed purpose of community well-being, it would be hard to imagine a more demonic camarilla of marplots than those I reference.
-- Mychal Massie, May 8 WorldNetDaily column
Fox News would have people believe that reparations are: "monetary compensation for slavery." Not only is that a demonstrably asinine and incorrect definition of the word, it's foundational ignorance that fosters antipathy.
Reparations are defined as: repairing or keeping in repair; the act of making amends or giving satisfaction for wrong(s). There's not a single person in the U.S. who claims African as a prefix that deserves monetary reparations from America. I contend that everything these persons deserve they have in equal portion and more compared to others, beginning with the ability to murder their children, which I argue is a disparate measure for them.
The people in America whose self-worth and esteem is singularly based upon the prefix African have the same Constitution as others, with additional amendments added specifically to benefit them. They have civil rights and voting rights that they can be wield as instruments of complaint in the blink of an eye. Add to that they've the super weapon called "hate crimes" that can be leveled with great tenacity and falsity.
If these people want monetary reparations, let them get it from the countries responsible for their distant ancestors being slaves in the first place. That would be the Ashanti Empire and Dahomey tribes that dominated the Ivory Coast areas of Africa.
-- Mychal Massie, May 15 WND column
I consciously use Google as little as possible. That said, today Google had a mural of sorts on its search engine page depicting a young "something" carrying the rainbow flag. The person in the depiction appeared androgynous, which I'm certain was no accident. The other depictions were same-sex young people coupling, and I suppose the other two depictions were intended to be trannies.
The attempt to portray insanity as normative is an attempt to anesthetize the masses vis-à-vis media, public school classrooms and teachers, and shaming people into silence. The silence then masquerades as acceptance. Albeit, I suspect the acceptance is often fatuous.
The question is: Why is this being promoted on such a massive scale at this time? Why this relentless attempt to convince the weak-minded public that hebephrenia, schizophrenia and dysmorphia are entirely normal and acceptable, when in reality they're emotional and psychological disorders that require treatment?
A question that begs an answer is: If this supposed madness is normal, why has it taken millennia for the abnormal behavior to present itself? Homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophilia and bestiality have been known for millennia before the birth of Christ. But, a quick research into sexual abnormalities dating back to antediluvian period finds no quantifiable zeitgeist of the uncontrolled urge for men to identify as women and vice versa. I'm addressing all of recorded history. What makes humans in this period of the 21st century suddenly aware that they suffer from being in the wrong body?
Obviously, sexual perversion and debauchery isn't something new, having been around since not long after Eve succeeded in having Adam disobey God. That the homosexual activists err in their attempt to claim erasure of the record of this sexual perversion conceals the record of heterodoxy distinctive from that which has been understood to be true throughout time. It isn't concealed nor has it been erased. It never existed! And if it did, it was an immeasurable fantasy.
-- Mychal Massie, May 22 WND column
There's an old saying: "When a woman is hideously unattractive and uncouth, she cannot afford to be grotesquely ignorant as well." Apparently, TV host Joy Behar doesn't grasp the truth of said bromide. But then again, when she looks around the seating arrangement on the set of her television calamity called"The View" and sees Whoopi Goldberg, it's easier to understand why she would feel superior as a liberal lowlife.
As long as I'm on the subject, add the Obama woman and "Otis" Winfrey (my name for Oprah). They comprise the gold medal team of real-life horror characters. They make the "Weird Sisters" in "Macbeth" look cherubic by comparison.
Behar represents the two types of Erebusic malevolents who are doing injury to the fabric of unity We the People truly desire. Her kind at their core are racist bigots who assuage their consciences by allowing themselves to have so-called black superiors in their workplace.
-- Mychal Massie, May 29 WND column
(Massie is lying; Behar did not use that term to describe Scott and Thomas.)