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Tuesday, August 22, 2023
WND Continues To Gush Over RFK Jr.'s Presidential Campaign
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily is an enthusiastic promoter of Robert Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid -- as a spoiler for President Biden, not because it actually wants him to won, and it's continuing to do so. In his June 22 podcast, Jack Cashill cheered that Kennedy is a "a bit of a conspiracy theorist" and argued that his conspiracy theory that the CIA was involved in the assassination of his father was "a more credible argument." Cashill also declared that "I admire his stand on -- his really upfront attack on Anthony Fauci and the whole medical-industrial complex," but he needed to change his views on climate change to mesh with that conspiratorial narrative.

Wayne Allyn Root spent his June 23 column fawning yet again over Donald Trump and insisting that his odds of winning the presidency in 2024 would increase if he teamed up with Kennedy:

RFK Jr. just announced he's running for president a few weeks ago. There's a total blackout and blacklist of RFK in the mainstream media. His interviews are banned on YouTube. The DNC has announced there will be no Democratic presidential debates – denying RFK any platform to reach the voters. Yet RFK Jr is tied for No. 1 most popular politician in America? How can this be?

The answer is, as James Carville would say: "It's the COVID-19 vaccine, stupid."

RFK Jr. knows what I have known for two and a half years, and he boldly says out loud what I have said on my national radio and TV shows for two and a half years: The COVID-19 vaccine is the biggest failure, disaster and cover-up in the history of health care. It never worked. It is dangerous and deadly. It is a killing machine. Except it's a "silent killer" – because the mainstream media refuse to report about COVID-19 vaccine deaths and injuries. The COVID-19 vaccine deaths are covered up by the media as tightly as Hunter Biden's laptop.

And the one and only candidate for president talking about this deadly health care disaster and fraud is RFK Jr.


Trump's only weakness is the COVID-19 vaccine.

And I have the strategy to turn his weakest link into a huge win. Trump doesn't need to change his views 180 degrees.

Trump simply needs to pledge (as soon as he's back in the White House) to name a special counsel to lead a massive investigation of the COVID-19 vaccine controversy; Dr. Anthony Fauci's role; the false claims about the effectiveness of the vaccine; the dangerous side effects that were never disclosed; the trial results that were covered up; the deaths and injuries that were covered up; the role of Big Pharma and government agencies in misleading the American people and in paying off the mainstream media; the demonization of effective drugs ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine; and the silencing, banning and censorship by social media of any dissent about the COVID-19 vaccine.

All of this needs to be investigated and if proven true, prosecuted – so this can never happen again.

And I happen to know of the perfect attorney who can lead this investigation. To make sure this is carried out honestly; and not whitewashed; and Big Pharma can't bribe their way out of it; and it's seen as bipartisan ...

Trump needs to pledge he will appoint RFK Jr. as special counsel to lead this massive corruption investigation.

The beauty of my strategy is that Trump doesn't need to change his opinion of the COVID-19 vaccine. He only has to acknowledge the controversy, commit to investigate and let the chips fall where they may.

This investigation will be about truth and facts. Either the vaccine killed and injured millions around the world, or it didn't. Either politicians, government bureaucrats, medical experts and the media were bribed to cover up the deaths and injuries, or not. Either Fauci is an evil criminal and fraud who misled Trump and the American people, or not. Let's find out, once and for all.

But there's only one way to ensure this massive investigation is carried out honestly and without being whitewashed ...

Pledge to put RFK Jr. in charge.

This is a simple strategy for Trump to turn his biggest weakness – the COVID-19 vaccine – into a huge win-win.

Pledge this special counsel investigation; pledge to put RFK Jr. in charge; show that you're open to seeing what really happened; and Trump wins back the presidency by a landslide.

An anonymously writtten July 11 article uncritically repeated Kennedy's dubious attacks on Anthony Fauci in a Fox News appearance:

Anthony Fauci, a former federal health official advising Joe Biden on COVID-19, now in a lucrative teaching job, 'caused a lot of injury" during that pandemic, according to Democrat [sic] presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Fauci, in fact, was behind a lot of the masking requirements, the demand for experimental and highly speculative shots for citizens, the bans on ordinary treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which proved effective, and more.

During his tenure, more than a million Americans died of COVID. Kennedy pointed out that America has 4.2% of the world's population, and suffered 16% of the COVID deaths.

Now RFK Jr., in an interview with Jess Watters, charged that the Biden administration is uninterested in punishing China for allowing what now is widely considered to be a lab leak of the pandemic, because it would reveal the National Institutes of Health "funded bioweapons programs."

A report at Summit.News reported he said, "I think the CIA was involved certainly in this research. They were funding it through USAID. And NIH, I think, in the end gave about $26 million in funding to the Wuhan lab. But USAID, which was functioning as the CIA surrogate, gave over $64 million. The Pentagon also gave a lot of money."

Kennedy said of Fauci, "I think he caused a lot of injury. I think that he particularly by withholding early treatment from Americans we racked up the highest death count in the world. We only have 4.2% of the globe’s population but we had 16% of the COVID deaths in this country and that was from bad policy."

He pointed out that nations that allowed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine "had 1/200th of our death rate."

The anonymous writer made no effort to fact-check anything Kennedy said. For instance, there's no evidence that either works, and the U.S. COVID death rate was higher than other countries largely because fewer people were vaccinated (in part because of anti-vaxxers like Kennedy).

When Kennedy got caught arguing that COVID is "ethnically targeted" to affect "attack Caucasians and black people" and that "the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese," WND did a lazy bit of cleanup by reprinting an article by the notoriously unreliable Gateway Pundit, which insisted that the reporter who broke the story "read into Kennedy’s quote more than what was actually said. That’s unfortunate." It's even more unfortunate that WND thinks Gateway Pundit is a credible source of, well, anything.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:09 AM EDT

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