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Monday, August 21, 2023
MRC's Hypocritical Rage Over TV Show's 'Grooming' Excludes Right-Wing Groomers
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Dawn Slusher complained in a July 6 post:

As conservatives across the nation fight to protect children from predators who want sexually explicit books in schools and children exposed to perverted and sexually explicit behavior, Hollywood is busy trying to help the predator cause with attempts to normalize grooming.

HBO’s Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That, joined in the cause with their latest episode, “Chapter Three,” which MAX aired on June 29. In the episode, a “MILF list” created by a teenage boy is discovered at a prestigious private school that main character Charlotte’s (Kristin Davis) children attend.

Of course, such a thing is normal for hormonal teenage boys as most will have a crush on an older mom, teacher, nurse, etc. at least once in their teen years. What’s not normal is an adult hoping to be the object of that sexual desire, as moms Charlotte and Lisa (Nicole Ari Parker) did when they found out about the list.

Rather than being mature, normal moms with feelings of maternal protectiveness, they instead became gleefully excited to place second and third on the list, seeing it as a form of flattery despite what “MILF” stands for.


Think about what kind of message this show is sending to pedophiles and groomers. Especially teachers who have been arrested for sexualizing and raping their students. Parents need to be more watchful than ever in this pedophile-friendly culture because they’re coming for your children, and they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

If you ever needed a reason to homeschool, this is it.

Aside from the bizarre logical leap of claiming that a TV show is sufficient reason to pull a child out of school, there's another reason Slusher's rant falls flat: She says nothing about right-wing enthusiasm for pedophilia and sexualizing children.

When it was revealed that right-wing transphobe Matt Walsh -- who received a "Bulldog Award" from the MRC earlier this year for his anti-LGBT hate -- declared it was normal for teenage girls to be pregnancy because that's when they're "most fertile" and that "biologically and metaphysically and with everything in their body, they want to settle down, they want to start a family," the MRC said nothing. And it stayed silent when Walsh's employer, the Daily Wire, spent money to promote those comments to claim that he was a victim of "cancel culture."

We've documented how the MRC touted how Andrew Tate was "a popular and controversial social media influencer" who was a victim of "censorship" because Instagram blocked some of his misogynistic post, meaning that it "kept information from all 4,700,000 of Tate’s Instagram followers. But Tate has long bragged about haviing sex with teenage girls -- presumably there's some grooming involved in that -- and he and his brother were recently arrested on charges of rape and human trafficking, and the MRC has had little to say about that. A July 17 post by Kevin Tober touted how Tucker Carlson's current Twitter videos "have mostly included his trademark monologues as well as interviews with newsmakers," adding as an aside: "Most recently social media influencer Andrew Tate, who has been accused of human trafficking by the Romanian government."

Media Matters has many more examples of right-wing grooming.

If Slusher had shown as much concern about the "grooming" done by her fellow right-wingers, she might be seen as more credible.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:44 PM EDT

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