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Friday, August 18, 2023
Newsmax's Reagan Demands that Republican AGs Play Political Culture-War Games
Topic: Newsmax

Attention red state voters!

If your attorney general ever says that he doesn’t think social issues or culture war fights are part of his job, find a new attorney general.

Your current officeholder needs to be fired.

Republican officeholders who are pacifists in the culture war are responsible for the dumpster fire that constitutes our current cultural scene.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., we’re looking at you.

The culture or political environment of the state and nation is what determines the parameters for corporate and personal behavior that is considered acceptable.

Our current parameters being: We live in Sodom with electricity.

The Washington Times brings us a story that demonstrates why the left is winning and we are losing:

"A coalition of 15 Democrat attorneys general told Target CEO Brian Cornell that pulling Pride products over safety concerns represents a setback for the 'march for social progress' and encouraged him to reach out to their offices for help with any anti-LGBTQ threats or harassment."

The letter came with signatures from attorneys general in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.


The letter isn’t a heartfelt gesture of support for a beleaguered corporation.

It’s an implied threat from the Rainbow Reich, which will be keeping an eye on Target in the future.

The next time a controversy erupts, is Target going to pay attention to its backward customers or to the legal authorities?

And this heavy-handed response is on behalf of a consonant group that we are constantly told is "marginalized."

Our question is: Why aren’t red state attorneys general doing the same?


Our nation is in a cultural fight to the finish.

Opting out is opting for total defeat.

Two can play at this game and the side defending decency and children has the advantage in the court of public opinion.

Defending the innocent deserves a full court press.

If your red state’s attorney general isn’t leading or part of this effort, you need apply pressure to him or her today or start working to find a new state attorney general.

-- Michael Reagan, June 27 Newsmax column

Posted by Terry K. at 4:31 PM EDT

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