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Saturday, August 5, 2023
What's Mychal Massie Melting Down Over Now?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Once again Joe Biden failed miserably to support and advance the cause of women and income equality. Biden made quite the show of presenting a letter he received from a little girl who expressed grave concerns about income disparity per the gender wage gap.


The secret to success if you are a no-talent, hate-filled Negress who has been taught so-called white people haven't paid their debt for having slavery in America, is to lie, just as Biden made a successful career of doing – a talent Nikole Hannah-Jones copied with great success. Biden should have told the little girl that the trick to big-money success comes from speaking appearances that promote divisiveness and acrimony. It's receiving praise from the rough-edged bathroom tissue called The New York Times. It's found in patterning after Jones by writing the worst lies found in the binding of one book in quite possibly publishing history, which is exactly what Jones did and precisely what her "1619 Project" is.

The other missed opportunity was to tell the little girl, who must herself be a Negress, how bad "coloreds" have it. A Negress because everyone knows one of the most consistent extortive laments is how the under-performing schools are failing the inner-city children juxtaposed to the far superior academic bastions the privileged so-called white children attend.

That said, the only difference between Biden and Jones is that unlike him, she can find her behind with two hands due to the over gargantuan proportions of same; whereas Biden can't find his butt with two hands and an instructional manual on how to find it. The other difference being that he's so decrepit and unbalanced that he cannot even fall down steps, he must fall up steps. With the jello-belly she's carrying around, Jones, on the other hand, could belly flop down steps and stick a perfect marshmallow landing.

Of course, I'm being facetiously sarcastic, but my point is correct. Wanna be successful and make big money without putting forth any real effort? Write a book that portrays marginally evolved coloreds as victims of evil so-called white folks, especially Christian white folks, and make sure it's revisionist lies from cover to cover. And voila, you're a superstar.

-- Mychal Massie, March 20 WorldNetDaily column

But, then we have Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, better known as AOC, which I would argue is short for a trampish heathen who personifies dumb as a roll of bathroom tissue and is worthy of the same purpose. Cortez has "announced that parental rights are fascism in America."


It takes only a brief glance to see what government participation in the life of young people has done to Cortez and her troupe of whorish child-killers, who are promoting mental insanity through inculcation of debaucherous sexual fantasies they promote as real.

How is it fascist for parents to teach their children the Word of God? How is it fascist for parents to teach their children that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, which include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? How is it fascist for parents to teach their children moral standards that renounce sexual sin, teaching them that God created male and female, i.e., he and she, not he-he and she-she? How is it fascism for parents to teach their children to love America and what America stood for until the demonic Cortez types usurped office?

-- Mychal Massie, March 27 column

The domestic terrorists of today seek positions and are specifically installed into said positions for the express purpose of destroying those who are deemed a threat to their wraith-like benefactors who operate out of the shadows and sulfuric mists of the demonic world the Apostle Paul spoke of in his epistle to the Ephesians (6:10-17 KJV).

The most conspicuous of these domestic terrorists at present are Alvin Bragg, Manhattan district attorney; Leticia James, New York attorney general; and Kim Gardner, district attorney, St. Louis, Missouri – to mention but three. Bragg and James are committed to destroying anyone and everyone their demonic grand wizard instructs them to persecute – in this case President Trump. Gardner has been directed to destroy people of means who legally own firearms and use same to protect their private property and families.

They have all been financially backed by their puppet-financier George Soros whose objective is to destroy the foundations of America, i.e., the church, the family, the schools and the armed forces. But, most important to realize about these minions of Erebusic blackness is that they are necrophagous organisms consumed with a blood lust to destroy those they condemn as "rich and white."

-- Mychal Massie, April 17 column

But, today the sexual abomination called transgenderism is replacing skin-color as the viscous lubricant.

People identifying as such are emotionally maldeveloped and suffering from hebephrenic schizophrenia. The longtime pets of the Democrat Party are now being pushed to a new 'back-of-the-bus" in favor of the now debaucherous deviants being popularized today.

It was Obama, however, who the week before being elected to his first term in the White House said: "In five days we will begin to fundamentally change America." And thus he did. I said "The devastating effect of Obama will not be felt until he leaves office, and that effect is being addressed by only a very small number of statesmen who see and understand the true threat of Obama."

I was right. What we see today with Dylan Mulvaney and Biden's secretary of health Richard Levine and all of the other sexual deviant insanity place was fast-tracked by Obama.

It began with his men in women's bathrooms and vice-versa. Obama publicly fantasized about having sex with men according to his own admission. It was Obama who pushed for children in kindergarten to be taught about anal sexual devices, homosexuality and lesbianism. Whether or not Obama's commitment to forcing homosexualism upon children was born out of his own depraved thirst for sexual intimacy with "older white-men" or something far more demonic is unclear. What we see today is being forced upon children because of Obama.

-- Mychal Massie, April 24 column

One of the greatest deceptions embraced by the gullible was the insanity of social distancing, masks, forced isolation and mandated injections of unidentified toxic compounds. We were called conspiracy theorists, deniers, anti-vaxers, etc. We were told being injected with the deadly toxin was the loving thing to do. Funny, they claimed the same thing about murdering babies. Just as I fail to understand how the murder of children is a display of love, I fail to reconcile how harming myself, including the prospect of death, is showing love for my family or others.

The public bought the lies and boasted of embracing the deadly deceptions of the political and social grifters pushing fear and toxins. Now, the larvae of these lies are hatching, and people are suddenly dropping dead. Young athletes in impeccable health are dying on the playing fields. Pilots, on-air hosts, performers ad nauseam are suddenly dropping dead. And the grifters want us to believe there's no connection between the toxin, death, heart disease, nerve pain, cancer and more?

-- Mychal Massie, May 1 column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:43 AM EDT

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