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Friday, April 14, 2023
Newsmax Cranked Up Outrage Machine As Trump's Arraignment Arrived
Topic: Newsmax

The freakout at Newsmax when Donald Trump was indiced on fraud charges (for real) continued as he the day of his arraignment approached. Trump flew to New York from Florida on March 3 for the arraignment, and Newsmax was cranking out attack and defense articles:

Surprisingly, there was also an wire article featuring newly announced Republican presidential candidate Asa Hutchinson arguing that Trump should drop his 2024 candidacy over his instigating the Capitol riot.

On the day of the arraignment on April 4, Newsmax unsurprisingly went nuts with the attack-and-defend narrative:

Newsmax also published an article on how Trump "was awarded close to $122,000 in attorney fees from Stormy Daniels, the same porn star at the center of a hush money case that led to Trump's indictment in a Manhattan courtroom just a few hours earlier." But amid all the bias, Newsmax not only published a surprisingly balanced account of the arraignment itself (written even more surprisingly by Trump stenographer Eric Mack, with wire contributions) but it also actually slipped in a few largely straightforward stories on the indictment that day:

That's a total of at least 43 artack-and-defend articles over two days, bringing the total to 94 since the indictment became news on March 30.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:56 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, April 15, 2023 12:33 AM EDT

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