Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian penned a Dec. 15 article that was also sent out as a money beg to WND's mailing list:
Dear WND readers,
First, MERRY CHRISTMAS – I know I speak for everyone at WND in saying how much we truly appreciate your readership, loyalty and support.
I have an earnest request for you, and it is simply this: If you read and appreciate WND and would like to see us survive the never-ending and utterly insane attacks on us by Big Tech, one of the most important – and rewarding – ways you can pitch in is by becoming a subscriber to our monthly magazine, Whistleblower. Stay with me here.
If you haven’t read Whistleblower, honestly you have no idea what you’re missing.
Actually, we've read enough of WND's promos for it to know exactly what we're missing -- highly biased examinations of issues designed to draw right-wing eyeballs, capped off with a screed from Kupelian himself.
Of course, that's not what Kupelian thinks -- Whistleblower is his baby, and he has to beg people to subscribe, so the sales pitch was on:
Each monthly issue is a totally unique deep dive into one single topic, a trip down to the hidden realm where politics, culture and the spiritual realm intersect – in other words, to REALITY.
Friends, for the sake of your family and loved ones who need the type of insight and encouragement found in Whistleblower, and for the sake of our country that's under total siege – and for the sake of helping WND during a time of extraordinary and literally never-ending challenges courtesy of Big Tech, please subscribe to Whistleblower today, or renew (or extend) your subscription. And also please generously give Whistleblower gift subscriptions this Christmas. For many years, Whistleblower – which is available in both PRINT and state-of-the-art DIGITAL versions – has been WND's single most popular GIFT choice.
Kupelian also plugged the current issue of Whistleblower, which, yes, is yet another highly biased rant against something he doesn't like:
To illustrate, consider the current Whistleblower issue, titled “HOLY WAR: Defeating the growing cult of leftism and its total war on Christianity.”
Whether it’s the “Climate Change Cult” or the “Anti-Racism Cult,” or the “Cult of Wokeness” or the “Transgender Cult” with its appalling sexualization and grooming of America’s children – or any of the other ever-expanding cults, like the “COVID Cult” and the “Cult of Globalism” and the various “TikTok Cults,” every month the list grows and grows. What on earth is going on?
Clearheaded, right-thinking Americans are starting to realize that the irrational, deranged – and often demonic – leftwing political and cultural movements currently capturing the minds of millions of Americans are nothing short of full-fledged religious cults.
This Whistleblower issue reveals how today’s leftwing cults are not only negatively transforming America, they also frequently instigate full-bore social contagion episodes. For example, there’s the hypnotic influence various TikTok personalities exert on adolescents, especially girls, persuading many to “identify” as transgender and undergo horrendous surgical amputation of healthy body parts. There are few limits to this social contagion phenomenon, which Western medicine refers to as “mass sociogenic illness.” And of course, the “Climate Change” and “Anti-Racism” cults and others are being deployed (to use Obama’s words) to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”
Anyway, all this and much more is explored in a deeply insightful way I can guarantee you have not seen before, in the current Whistleblower issue, “HOLY WAR.”
Actually, the only thing Kupelian should be guaranteeing is that -- as his screed indicates, as taken from his essay -- there will be nothing at all deep or insightful about this issue. Meanwhile, Kupelian has little moral standing to make this argument -- he remains in the grip of the Trump cult, as well as the cult of far-right Christianity that will not accept any other interpretation or lifestyle and depicts anyone who disagrees with him as not just wrong but evil.
Not only is that not deep or insightful, it's also not good journalism. No wonder WND remains on the precipice on failure -- and that Kupelian has to beg for money to keep him employed.