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Saturday, December 31, 2022
WND Kept Up Post-Election Biden-Bashing
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Having seen its favored right-wing Republicans lose the midterm elections (and not taking it well), WorldNetDaily's columnists soon returned to their old pastime, bashing President Biden. Here are a few examples of post-election Biden-bashing:

On Nov. 9, while flummoxed Republicans were trying to figure out why their "Red Tsunami" didn't happen in this year's midterm elections, a buoyant Joe Biden held a White House news conference. His goal: change the subject. After meandering about looking forward to working constructively with Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Old Joe blamed a grueling international travel itinerary for why he had to leave town on Nov. 10 before all the votes were tallied.

On Nov. 11 (Veterans Day in the U.S., Remembrance Day in many other countries), our geriatric-in-chief was lauded at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt for his oft-repeated pledge: "No more drilling" in the USA. Joe and entourage then boarded his fossil-fueled Air Force One (accompanied by no less than seven other U.S. Air Force aircraft) and headed to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for an Association of Southeast Asian Nations meeting and East Asia Summit on Nov. 12 and 13.


Biden appeared to have been much better prepared for this series of international meetings. He certainly had moments of cognitive disarray and physical frailty, but overall, his performance was predictable. When he returns home, honest reporters, columnists and analysts – and there are some – must determine how he will proceed on a host of post-election and post-summit details. A few "now what" examples:

What steps are you going to take to restore America's economy? What will you do to stem the nationwide crime wave threatening the lives, safety and property of every man, woman and child in America? More than 3 million human beings from nearly every country on Earth have invaded our country. What will you do about it?

-- Oliver North and David Goetsch, Nov. 14

Now that the midterm election is over, can we stop pretending Joe Biden is president of the United States?

It is embarrassing.

The entire Biden presidency is media fiction. The world knows this, with the notable exception of the Americans. Another two years of governance from the Marxist men and women behind the curtain and the nation will be too broken and too polarized to make the necessary financial and social repairs to save itself.

-- Mike Pottage, Nov. 15

I don't have any crystal ball, but I submit my appeal for Joe Biden's resignation. His governing grade is "F," and he has no real accomplishments. Things will only get worse (I'm not rooting for this, only expressing the brutal reality).

The midterm election was not a victory for Dems, but sadly, neither was it the hoped-for repudiation. It was a mixed verdict, but going forward Biden will be neutered with Pelosi gone and the power of the purse back under conservative control.

Almost 70% of Americans reject Biden's aviator "Top Gun" image and don't want him to run again. The economy collapsed, there's catastrophic crime, a fentanyl epidemic, chaos at the border, runaway inflation, a deepening recession, skyrocketing interest rates, increasing cultural rot and corruption in government and the media. Top it off with Biden's obvious cognitive decline and it all spells one thing: Whether in weeks or months, Joe's gotta go.


Biden's recent statements and behavior aren't merely embarrassing, they're frightening. He's had two brain aneurysms; displays regular neurological difficulties; Obama's former White House physician stated he's convinced Joe's cognitive decline is serious; and, while there are levels of dementia, many specialists say he's in a diminished state disqualifying him from continuing.

-- Larry Tomczak, Nov. 15

Posted by Terry K. at 1:55 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, December 31, 2022 10:35 AM EST

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