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Thursday, December 22, 2022
MRC Whined About Wins By Young, Non-Heterosexual Candidates
Topic: Media Research Center

Another piece of bitterness the Media Research Center spouted over Republican failures in the midterm elections was whining over certain Democratic candidates making history in their wins. Curtis Houck grumbled in a Nov. 9 post about attention given to one particular Florida candidate:

Following most nationwide elections, one of the liberal media’s favorite tropes is to trumpet so-called “historic” winners that assist one in filling out a diversity bingo card. Such was the case Wednesday morning after the lackluster Republican performance as ABC, CBS, and NBC used their flagship news programs to swoon over Democrat Maxwell Frost winning a dark-blue Orlando-area House seat to become the first member of generation z elected to Congress.

And following CNN from Tuesday night, the networks basked in the election of two Democrats to Democrat states as Maura Healey will become the first openly lesbian governor in U.S. history and Wes Moore was elected as Maryland’s first black governor.

ABC correspondent Victor Oquendo made sure to tuck Frost’s win in during a Good Morning America segment about the massive red wave that struck in Florida: “That said, [Democrats’] one highlight, 25-year-old Democrat Maxwell Frost winning his election becoming the first gen-z member. He is now filling Val Demings’s seat. She lost to incumbent Marco Rubio.”


[On CBS Mornings] Frost came up a third time in the 8:00 a.m. Eastern Eye Opener. King gushed that she “like[s] him already” after hearing a soundbite of him saying, even though he’s barely eligible to serve, “I’m not too young, I’m just on time.”

“Gen-Z is making their presence felt,” Burleson added.

Tim Graham noted that one of the subjects of in his Nov. 14 podcast was "the post-election huzzahs over 25-year-old Democrat socialist Maxwell Alejandro Frost, the first "Generation Z" member elected to Congress from the Orlando area. NPR promoted him like a new Taylor Swift album. PBS also threw him softball questions over the weekend. That's your tax dollars at work. Of course, MSNBC also tried to blow the wind beneath his wings." Graham complained further in a Nov. 15 post:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently turned 33, so it’s time for a younger socialist Democrat for the media to swoon over. In September, I found at least eight sappy national interviews with 25-year-old Maxwell Frost, who had won a primary to fill the seat of Rep. Val Demings, who ran for the Senate against Marco Rubio.

After he won the general election in a blue district by 19 points and became the first member of Generation Z to win a House seat, the swoon cycle began all over again.

National Public Radio repeatedly touted Frost. They boosted him online on Election Night, displaying several of his tweets, including one tweet from June, where he apparently heckled DeSantis at a Dave Rubin event.

NPR toasted him on Thursday night’s All Things Considered. Anchor Elissa Nadworny explained “After the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, Frost was drawn to anti-gun violence activism." Then they did use the P-word: “He received support from high-profile progressives like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.”

Though Graham sought to tar Frost with the "socialist" label, he didn't cite any "socialist" policies the guy actually held.

But Frast wasn't the only MRC target -- it was also unhappy that non-heterosexual people won elections. A Nov. 9 post by Kevin Tober was upset that one newscast was "virtue signaling over the first openly-lesbian governor elected in the United States. And Tierin-Rose Mandelburg whined so spitefully in a Nov. 10 post about a transgender candidate that she not only misgendered her but also baselessly suggested there was election fraud in her victory:

Remember when we used to elect political officials based on their skills, not how progressive they were? No? Me neither, but it's getting silly.

Congratulations to the state of Minnesota for electing transgender Leigh Finke and abetting the “rise of Queer Political Power.” 

Finke, she/her but born a he/him, was elected to serve for District 66 of Minnesota as a state representative. Finke’s Twitter indicated that his priorities are to ensure that bodily autonomy for women & queers (aka fake women) is considered “essential healthcare.”

I presume that he’s one of the firm believers that ripping apart an unborn child’s body, limb by limb, should be called “healthcare.

Remember when we used to elect political officials based on their skills, not how progressive they were? No? Me neither, but it's getting silly.

Congratulations to the state of Minnesota for electing transgender Leigh Finke and abetting the “rise of Queer Political Power.” 

Finke, she/her but born a he/him, was elected to serve for District 66 of Minnesota as a state representative. Finke’s Twitter indicated that his priorities are to ensure that bodily autonomy for women & queers (aka fake women) is considered “essential healthcare.”

I presume that he’s one of the firm believers that ripping apart an unborn child’s body, limb by limb, should be called “healthcare.


Supposedly Finke collected 15,635 votes or 81 percent in the district he ran. The previous seat warmer was Alice Hauseman who’d been in office since 1989, Fox News said. 

What an honor it must be to lose your seat to someone who’s pretending to be a woman.

Mandelburg concluded by sneering: "All I can say is that thank God I don't live in Minnesota and I pray that we start electing people based on their skill set, not who they sleep with and which gender they decide to be on a given day." If she doesn't understand anything about transgender people -- which she clearly doesn't based on her uninformned assumption they choose "which gender they decide to be on a given day" -- she shoiuldn't be writing about them. Then again, the MRC isn't about advancing facts; it only cares about pushing ideological hate.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:46 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, December 22, 2022 9:47 PM EST

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