Topic: WorldNetDaily
The last time we checked in on WorldNetDaily's perpetual financial crisis at the end of June, Joseph Farah was proclaiming that WND had raised more than double his $100,000 goal, which has met our urgent needs and taken us out of crisis mode," adding that "we have been promised, by one particularly generous donor, another very significant contribution in the next week." Well, something apparently happened, because Farah was back to doing the hard-sell money beg just over a month later.
Farah began his Aug. 5 column by ranting about the purported deaeth of the First Amendment, causing him to rant:
If we can't speak and write the TRUTH, and can no longer operate freely according to the promises of our nation's Constitution, then we don't have a truly free press. And without a free press, we don't have a free country – they ALWAYS go together.
Yet there has never been an era in American history when lies were more ubiquitous and destructive, and Truth more desperately needed, than right now.
That may be true, but Farah's WND is not a place one will find it, as we keep documenting. Afer more dubiuos pontificating, Farah got down to the money beg:
Very simply, my friends, times have changed: If you value independent, fearless, truthful news and analysis in an age of radically increasing lies and deception, your partnership with us is essential.
Our current needs? We need to raise $65,000 by the end of August in order to pay our bills, including payroll. We're part way there, but have a long way to go.
Farah didn't explain why he was begging for money again so soon after declaring that his previous fund drive doubled its goal.But while Farah ranted about the purported death of free speech in a few subsequent columns that also included money begs, he hasn't referenced this end-of-August deadline again -- which seems strange if you're facing yet another existential crisis.
All of which makes us wonder about how badly WND really needs that money. Or perhaps money beg fatigue is setting in.