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Friday, June 24, 2022
WND's Kupelian Expands An Old Book Of His
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Back in 2005, WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian wrote a book called "The Marketing of Evil," in which he he used less-than-honest methods (one might even say evil) to promote his thoughts about how everything that isn't as right-wing and Christian as he is is "evil." He even used a synergystic relationship between WND and the right-wing legal group Alliance Defense Fund (now the Alliance Defending Freedom) to hype a legal case involving the book in an apparent effort to boost sales. Now the book is back and bigger (in size, anyway) than ever, as Kupelian explained in a May 20 article:

I’m pleased to announce that "The Marketing of Evil" has just been re-released in an expanded paperback edition including brand-new chapters explaining exactly how today’s truly unprecedented level of insanity, psychosis and evil has been skillfully sold to America.

In case you're unfamiliar with it, "The Marketing of Evil" essentially explains why and how so many millions of today's Americans have come to strongly embrace and defend ideas and behaviors that horrified every previous generation of Americans since its founding.


In the brand-new chapters, I dive right into the Trump and Biden eras, shining a bright light on the secret workings of today’s “marketers of evil” who figured out how to convince so many Americans that the least racist nation on earth is somehow actually the most racist, that Trump is comparable to Hitler, and so on. But even more fundamentally, I explore and document how the Left is able to brainwash huge numbers of people into believing – and acting on –  literally anything, no matter how obviously insane, destructive or evil.

This coming from a guy who has been brainwashed into supporting the corrupt and amoral Donald Trump -- thus violating the Christian principles he purports to uphold -- and uses the WND website to spread lies about election fraud designed to help Trump. Further, Kupelian's complaint about people likening Trump to Hitler -- something he has repeatedly whined about --is utterly hypocritical because he and WND spent eight years likening Barack Obama to Hitler and other various and sundry Nazi, and he in fact is the one who's guilty of doing "literally anything, no matter how obviously insane, destructive or evil" to try and destroy Obama, including eight years of lies about where he was born.And one need only to look at how WND is teetering on the brink of financial failure to see how Kupelian's falsehood-laden war on Obama ended up as blowback on him.

So, there's nothing really new there -- unless Kupelian confesses to his own hypocrisy, which is highly unlikely.

Also of note is where Kupelian's updated book is being published. It was originally published by WND's in-house book division, which went defunct early in the midst of WND's financial troubles (and, of course, that Paul Nehlen thing). The updated edition is being published by company called Republic Book Publishers, a house dedicated to right-wing tomes co-founded by longtime right-wing book publisher Alfred Regnery. According to Republic's website, it's also serving up a "revised and expanded" edition of Kupelian's 2015 book "The Snapping of the American Mind," which was also published by WND and, again, is unlikely to discuss the snapping of Kupelian's mind into a slavish Trump-bot. Republic has also picked up one more former WND title: "The Antidote" by Jesse Lee Peterson, a right-wing black guy who sounds like a white supremacist and has issues with women and Barack Obama and who apparently gone so far afield that he isn't even a WND columnist anymore.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:58 PM EDT

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