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Sunday, June 5, 2022
MRC Touts Right-Wing Tirades From Celebrities, Censors The Walkbacks
Topic: Media Research Center

Some hot takes simply don't age well. But the Media Research Center would rather be a hot-take factory, cranking out clickbait -- while staying silent when those hot takes get walked back. Jiseph Vazquez gushed over a unlikely famous-for-being-famous person in a March 10 post:

Billionaire socialite and TV star Kim Kardashian had some pretty blunt words of advice to give to the current generation of women in business — “work.” But she added expletives for emphasis.

Kardashian told left-wing magazine Variety in an interview about her family’s “new reality TV reign” that she had “‘the best advice for women in business.’”

Her advice was pretty straightforward: “‘Get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days. You have to surround yourself with people that want to work.’” 

She continued: “‘[Y]ou have one life. No toxic work environments, and show up and do the work.”

Addressing the question of the criticism Kardashian has received for being “famous [just] for being famous,” Kardashian retorted: “We focus on the positive. We work our asses off. If that’s what you think, then sorry. We just don’t have the energy for that. We don’t have to sing or dance or act; we get to live our lives — and hey, we made it. I don’t know what to tell you.”

Kardashian’s tough love advice was enough to send the politically correct crowd in the liberal media into a crazed frenzy.

Perhaps leftists in the media can’t stand it when a businesswoman thinks for herself and is willing to be forthcoming on the grueling motivation it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

Only in the right-wing world of the MRC can a largely staid industry publication like Variety be dismissed as "left-wing."

So excited was Vazquez that Kardashian was mouthing right-wing talking points that he censored the fact that she walked it back a month later:

Kim Kardashian finally cleared the air over her viral “get your fucking ass up and work” comment from earlier last month.

Speaking on the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast, Kardashian said, “I try to be so positive, it really did teach me something. No matter what, even if you’re having an off day in the way that you communicate, you really can’t when you’re in my situation and in my position.”

“I think some people, it resonated with them, some people — it really offended people. If you know me, you would know that I would never never try to single a certain group of women out. Especially women,” she continued. “I want everyone to win. Truly, I think there’s always enough to go around. I love supporting all my friends and small businesses and any women I meet.”

Kardashian continued, “It will definitely teach me to be careful in the sense of like, I don’t care what kind of day or mood, or what other question was coming in that, that tripped me out and got me — maybe my tone was different, but I still — it made me sad that it was perceived that way cause I would never want to hurt anybody or intend for that to be offensive.”

In a March 2 post, Mat Philbin cheered actort Sam Elliott for embracing right-wing homophobia by trashing a movie for having an LGBT theme:

Sam Elliott is retiring from acting. At least, he doesn’t seem to want to work in Hollywood anymore. If he did, he wouldn’t have uncorked a glorious rant about a “piece of shit” Oscar-nominated movie and its LGBT sacred cow(boys).

According to Variety, the iconic horse opera star doesn’t have much use for “Power of the Dog” and the “allusions of homosexuality throughout the movie.” Elliott was on a podcast when he went off on the movie, comparing the actors to Chippendale dancers. “That’s what all these fucking cowboys in that movie looked like,” Elliott said. “They’re running around in chaps and no shirts.”


Clearly the whole picture gave Elliott saddle sores. It remains to be seen how Hollywood responds to Sam. And the horse he rode in on.

Only in the right-wing world of the MRC is homophobia "glorious." Philbin even cheered that Elliott trashed the film's director, Oscar winner Jame Campion: "What the fuck does this woman from down there know about the American West? Why the fuck did she shoot this movie in New Zealand and call it Montana?"

Elise Ehahard followed up in a March 27 Oscars-bashing post by cheering that Elliott "rightfully" trashed the film. But just as unsurprisingly, the MRC censored the fact that a few weeks later, Elliott apologized for his hateful tirade:

Sam Elliott has publicly apologized for his criticism of the critically acclaimed Western film "The Power of the Dog" after facing fierce backlash for remarks that many perceived as homophobic.


"I wasn't very articulate about it. I didn't articulate it very well," he said at the event. "And I said some things that hurt people and I feel terrible about that."

Elliott -- whose prolific acting career includes performances in many Western-themed movies, including "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and "Tombstone" -- went on to acknowledge that the gay community had been "incredible" to him during his career.

"I mean my entire career, from before I got started when I was in this town. Friends on every level and every job description up until today," he added. "I'm sorry that I hurt any of those friends and someone that I loved. And anyone else by the words that I used."

Elliott noted that he had praised Jane Campion as a "brilliant director " during the "WTF with Marc Maron" appearance.

"I can only say that I am sorry, and I am," he added.

But apologies for hate don't draw right-wing eyeballs to the MRC -- the original hate does, and it doesn't want to screw up the narrative by having to walk it back.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:05 PM EDT

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