Topic: Newsmax
A March 25 Newsmax column by George J. Marlin is devoted to defending Tulsi Gabbard:
Earlier this month, inside-the-beltway progressives went ballistic after Gabbard made a statement concerning revelations of U.S. supported bio labs in Ukraine.
Gabbard stated the fact "that there are over 25 U.S.-funded bio labs in Ukraine, which if breached, would release and spread deadly pathogens across the United States and the world."
Reacting, progressives accused Gabbard of telling "traitorous lies," promoting "Russian Propaganda," "shilling for Putin" and Instagram is "shadow banning" her.
The leftist commentator, Keith Olbermann, demanded that Gabbard be arrested for being a "Russian asset" in time of war.
The left’s favorite tool, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, also jumped into the fray.
He declared, "Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives." CNN contributor Alyssa Farah agreed: "I think Mitt Romney is absolutely right … this is … the Russians are spreading propaganda … it’s helping them get away with acts against Ukrainian civilians."
To accuse Gabbard of treason — of betraying her country — for commenting on a matter in Ukraine is not only ludicrous but scary.
Marlin omitted the fact that Gabbard was not stating a fact. While there are biolabs in Ukraine, the U.S. is not running them and there is no evidence it is.By claiming otherwise, Gabbard is, in fact, spreading Russian disinformation. Still, Marlsin continued to falsely insist that Gabbard told the truth and that she was being persecuted by liberals, huffing that "Progressives arresting perceived dissenters is not new":
If the 1918 Sedition Act were in force today — the progressives would throw Tulsi Gabbard into the darkest dungeon for daring to speak the truth.
Yes, the left confirms Ron Paul’s maxim, "Truth is treason in the empire of lies."
Gabbard and I are on opposite sides of the political fence.
Nevertheless, I applaud her for standing up to the progressives and their "empire of lies."
I hope she continues to speak out and heeds Patrick Henry’s 1776 declaration, "If this be treason, make the most of it."
Whether it's treason is debatable, butGabbard is definitely not spreading facts and definitely is spreading Russian disinformation.