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Monday, March 28, 2022
Root Peddles Conspiracy Theories In Interview With Trump
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Wayne Allyn Root can't stop sucking up to Donald Trump -- presumably because Trump won't do interviews with him if he doesn't -- and he did it again in his Feb. 14 column:

I've really gotten to know former President Donald J. Trump over the past six years since he came down that escalator. I was the first to predict he'd be the next president of the United States (at Fox News on the day Trump announced in June of 2015). I was the first to compare him to Ronald Reagan and predict Trump would become the greatest conservative president ever. I was the first to predict he'd create the most jobs in history for black and Hispanic Americans (in a Fox News editorial before he was elected). I was the media personality who called Trump the greatest world leader in history for Israel and the Jewish people. That caused a global media meltdown.

Guess what? I was right. It all came to pass.

Trump brought us prosperity, opportunity, mobility, jobs by the millions, the greatest middle-class income growth in history, a secure border and peace around the world.

This gushing led up to Root touting "my third interview with Trump in the past nine months," in which the sucking up continued:

First, because of my background as the man the media once dubbed "The King of Vegas Sports Gambling," I wanted to report to Trump that U.K.-based sportsbooks have made him a big favorite over Biden to win the 2024 election. Watch his response in the video.

Secondly, I was the first person in America to recommend to Trump last spring that he should become speaker of the House if the GOP retakes control of Congress. My suggestion caused a media meltdown across the globe.

So, I asked him for an update. Has he decided? Will he run for speaker of the House? The big news is Trump didn't say no. I'm guessing this will cause another global media meltdown.

Root also found a new conspiracy theory to commiserate with Trump about:

Trump brought up the 2020 election. I pointed out the latest jobs report released by the Labor Department was rigged just like the election. It was pure fraud, mixed with fantasy. Trump agreed. Watch his response in the video below.

Interestingly, soon after this interview I found out how Biden's Labor Department arrived at the numbers. They added over a million jobs out of thin air, based on "population increases." It was a guess. We were correct. The system is rigged.

This conspiracy theory is based on an unproven claim that the Bureau of Labor Statistics changed the way it computed how it counts jobs created. Like the Media Research Center before him, Root offers no evidence to back up his claim.

Surprisingly, there was none of Root's gentle hectoring of Trump over COVID vaccines beyond a shared desire to get rid of vaccine mandates. Instead, he served up even more conspiracy theories, like his (similarly unproven) suggestion that the Biden administration overpaid for COVID tests from China by $800 million "so that Biden or his family could receive a $100 million bribe/kickback deposited into an offshore account." That's the highly unreliable Root we all know.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:51 PM EDT

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