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Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Dick Morris Still Pushing Fantasy Of Hillary Run In 2024
Topic: Newsmax

wrong Newsmax pundit Dick Morris just can't stop pushing the idea of Hillary Clinton running for president in 2024. His latest attempt to breathe life into a claim that lacks supporting evidence was detailed in a  Feb. 20 article:

The next presidential race is shaping up to be a rematch of the 2016 contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, political strategist Dick Morris predicted Sunday.

Speaking to "The Cats Roundtable" radio show on WABC 770 AM hosted by John Catsimatidis, Morris called the showdown "a pretty good bet."

Morris explained his rationale by laying out a timeline of what he thinks will happen, starting with the Democratic Party forcing President Joe Biden to announce that he is not running again after the party suffers a major defeat in the midterm elections later this year.

Morris outlined an outlandish -- and completely evidence-free -- scenario in which the Democrats would cycle through candidates  to the point that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will run -- "she’ll be three months old enough to be president in 2024," Morris added -- which will supposedly "force the establishment to rally behind Hillary to stop AOC ... just like they rallied to Biden to stop Bernie Sanders in 2020."

Morris comes off as a guy who wants to feed right-wing fantasies as a ploy to appear on radio and TV -- never mind the fact that his reputation as a wildly wrong political prognosticator precedes him.

UPDATE: He's not the only one at Newsmax pushing this fantasy, though. A Feb. 28 article by Luca Cacciatore hyped a CPAC poll claiming that "a plurality, 22%, believe Hillary Clinton has a greater chance of being the Democratic Party's 2024 nominee than President Joe Biden." Cacciatore also referenced "an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal last month from Democratic insiders Douglas E. Schoen and Andrew Stein pushing for her to make a 'political comeback' in 2024." Actually, Schoen is no "Democratic insider"; he's a Fox News Democrat brought on to trash Democrats, and he has donated to and raised money for Republican candidates. Charlie McCarthy referenced the CPAC poll in a March 16 article noting Hillary's dismissive response to Vladimir Putin sanctioning her and other Democrats.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:47 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 11:41 AM EDT

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