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Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Michael Reagan Throws A Vaccine Tantrum
Topic: Newsmax

I’m sick and tired of wearing masks. I’m sick and tired of vaccine mandates.

I’m sick and tired of hearing the dire warnings and broken promises of politicians and incompetent public health officials.

For almost two years they’ve ordered us around like children and told us what individual freedoms we must sacrifice if we are to ever win the war against COVID-19.

Now a new variant, omicron, has knocked us backwards again.


I don’t blame the un-vaxxed for the continuing pandemic. As I tweeted the other day, I don’t care whether someone is vaxxed like I am or not.

I don't hate them, either. I realize I’ve hugged, shook hands and eaten dinner with dozens of people who haven’t been jabbed.

People tell me, "You could die."

Yeah. I’m 76. I could die of a lot of stuff. But I stay healthy. I take all my meds.

So far, thanks to the thugs running China who created the virus, more than 800,000 Americans have died ofor with — COVID-19.

Most, by far, were very old or already very sick or unhealthy.

About 1,100 Americans are still dying every day despite the fact that we’ve had vaccines for almost a year and we’ve done everything Fauci, government experts and politicians have ordered us to do.

Unfortunately, nothing they did worked to stop the pandemic.


Now these same geniuses want to give the vaccine to every kid five years old and younger — even though the science says they don’t need it.

The vaccine makers have done tests on some kids and they guarantee it's completely safe.

But how will the vaccines affect the kids' bodies five or 10 years from now, or during a pregnancy? And what about boosters — and more boosters?

The answers to those important questions are unknown but they might turn out to be some pretty horrible "Oops."

Meanwhile, everyone have a merry Christmas and don't let Santa down your chimney unless he's been vaxxed — oops.

-- Michael Reagan, Dec. 17 Newsmax column

Posted by Terry K. at 2:10 PM EST

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