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Friday, November 19, 2021
Fauci Derangement Syndrome At WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In India, the Bar Association is now suing one person within their medical establishment (with a position similar in influence and visibility as Fauci in the U.S.) for suppressing as a matter of public policy, the reality of effective early treatments for COVID-19 via existing drugs.

It's a legal action that is designed to culminate in the criminal prosecution of this person for each death of an individual denied access to early treatment with existing drugs, because of this person's policies.

And due to his vocal role in suppressing early treatments of COVID-19 using available drugs, Anthony Fauci should be the first to be similarly prosecuted in America.

Anthony Fauci's policies of disinformation against early treatment using existing drugs have resulted in the unnecessary deaths of an estimated 323,000 Americans, as calculated as a time weighted rate to account for the early learning curve for these treatments and based on current metadata. This equates to an approximately 50% cumulative rate in unnecessary deaths to date, and climbing.

These numbers are inexcusable.

And India is showing us how to hold these kinds of people accountable.

It's time to follow their lead.

-- Michael Schisler, Aug. 24 WorldNetDaily column

Think you've heard it all about medicrat Anthony Fauci? Well, there are a few things you still don't know about the foolish Fauci. That's because all other news analysts, left and right, have an agenda. "Hard Truth," with David Vance and yours truly, has only one agenda: unvarnished, nonpartisan truth.

Between March 5 and April 5, 2020, 10,598 Americans died from COVID-19 (see:, very likely because Fauci warned them, then, against purchasing the N95 mask. "Don't you dare," terrorized Gnome, M.D. As noted here: "Kung Flu is a killer, all right, but so are the bureaucrats."

The COVID carnage under Fauci does not take into account his role in delegitimizing therapeutics. Just imagine if Fauci had similarly downplayed and delegitimized treatment for HIV/AIDS, and had insisted, as he does today, that salvation lay predominantly in a vaccine against that particular RNA strand?

-- Ilana Mercer, Oct. 7 WND column


I say, "No way, Anthony Fauci. Stick it where the sun don't shine."

Fauci recently held a school lecture where he said we in the West just need to "give us their individual right of making your own decision" about the vaccination "for the good of society."


After lying through his teeth for years, it's amazing that this professional prevaricator still has people believing him. He also admitted recently that he's told dozens of half-truths and full-scale whoppers over that last year. Why? Because he was telling us what we wanted to hear – or needed to hear.

This does not include the biggest phony story he ever told, of course. What was that? You know, the one about his personal role in developing the pandemic in conjunction with the Chinese!

This guy is shameless.

-- Joseph Farah, Oct. 7 WND column

It falls to our judicial system to prove the guilt of the wicked and sentence them accordingly, but if (for the sake of illustration) the citizenry of open-eyed patriots can be considered an informal "grand jury" in the matter of public health tyranny and the enormous death toll associated with public health policy, there are clearly enough facts in hand – many summarized in the Peterson opinion – to indict numerous public officials for murder, starting with the morally depraved patent-holding Anthony "gain-of-function" Fauci, his key minion, Rachel Waleski [sic], and their craven, sociopathic Big Pharma paymasters. And under the legal doctrine called "Felony Murder Rule," every person involved in their felonious criminal conspiracy, even the getaway driver (the drive-by media?) is also guilty of murder if anyone died during the criminal acts. (Ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo comes to mind.)

-- Scott Lively, Oct. 21 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 2:44 PM EST

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