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Friday, November 19, 2021
CNS Weirdly Attacks Biden's 'No Joke' Verbal Tic (But Ignored Trump's Tics)
Topic: loves to do hostile, nitpicky coverage of President Biden -- definitely not the way it covered Donald Trump's presidency -- while also writing weird articles about him (i.e., obsessing over his hair). Susan Jones served up one of the latter in an Oct. 6 article:

"You built the country," President Joe Biden told union workers in Howell, Michigan on Tuesday. "No, not a joke. You have built the country," he said.

Biden was in Michigan to plug his $1.5-trillion infrastructure bill and $3.5-trillion reconciliation bill.

During his 34-minute speech, Biden used his "not a joke" phrase six times, as follows -- not that anyone thought he was joking.

Jones did not explain why she considered this revelation to be deserving of a "news" article.We don't recall Jones or anyone else at CNS devoting an article to Donald Trump's numerous verbal tics and malapropisms in the same way she's going after Biden here, with the apparent intent to make CNS' right-wing audience swallow its long-running narrative that the presient is sinking further into "cognitive decline."

Jones also slipped a partisan political attack in her supposedly objective "news" article: "Biden, who was greeted by hundreds of protesters on the ride from the airport, insisted that his physical infrastructure bill and his much larger social agenda bill are not divisive." Actually, Biden's infrastructure bill has broad support among Americans.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:09 AM EST
Updated: Friday, November 19, 2021 12:15 AM EST

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