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Thursday, October 7, 2021
CNS Keeps Up The Weird (And Anti-LGBT) Attacks on Schumer
Topic: hates Chuck Schumer as much as it does Nancy Pelosi -- and, as with Pelosi, it loves to write weird articles about Schumer to make him look buffoonish or, conversely, insufficiently hateful of the LGBT community.

In March, some poor anonymous CNS staff writer was actually tasked to crank out an article about Schumer sharing ice cream with someone described in the headline only as a "2-year-old kid -- but is actually his grandson:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) sent out a tweet on Sunday that featured a video of himself eating ice cream off the spoon of Noah Melvin Schumer-Shapiro, his two-year-old grandson.

In the tweet, Schumer says: “Noah and his grandpa having ice cream!”

Nowhere was it explained why this article exists. Two days later, Schumer got another anonymous article, this time headlined "Chuck Schumer: ‘I’m Praying…I Continue to Pray’" -- just like it does for Pelosi.

A month later, that same anonymous CNS writer (or perhaps a different one) got tasked to write about this:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) sent out a tweet on Sunday that included a photo of himself within a few feet of a television set—with a bottle of beer in his right hand.

“Excited to be watching the Oscars with an ice-cold plant-based beer,” Schumer said in his tweet.

“Thanks Joe Biden,” he said.

The reference to a “plant-based beer” was presumably a reference to a statement that Larry Kudlow made on his Fox Business show on Friday.

So it was a joke -- which nobody at CNS apparently found funny, ;east of all the anonymous writer.

In May, another anonymously written article weirdly attacking Schumer popped up:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) gave a speech Saturday at New York’s Cannabis Parade and Rally and sent out tweets marking the celebration.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed legislation in April that legalized possessing, using and selling marijuana in New York.

“It’s the Cannabis Parade and Rally in New York City,” Schumer said in one tweet. “This year, we finally equitably legalized marijuana in New York.

“And I won’t stop working to end the federal prohibition on marijuana and undo the harms of the War on Drugs,” he said.

“The War on Drugs has been a war on people,” Schumer said in a following tweet.

CNS was obviously offended by this, but the anonymous writer can't be bothered to tell his (or her) readers why this is so bothersome.

On July 22, a writer --  Craig Bannister -- not only surprisingly committed an actual byline to a Schumer hit piece but also appeared to admit that the point was to mock Schumer and his grandson:

“Noah’s first visit to the Capitol!” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) boasted in a Thursday Twitter post of his two year-old grandson sitting next to him – both without coronavirus masks – at the U.S. Capitol.

Social media was quick to chide Schumer and Noah for brazenly rejecting the COVID precaution at the Capitol – and Schumer for having the audacity to publicly post the photo of the two doing it. “They don’t have masks. Masks are for peasants,” one tweet highlighted by Twitchy mocks.

On Sept. 15, another reporter -- this time Susan Jones -- put her name to a Schumer hit piece:

At the start of a Democrat [sic] leaders' news conference on Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) sneezed, prompting Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.)--who was standing right next to him and in the direction that he sneezed--to ask him, "Where's your mask?"

“It's here in my pocket," Schumer said, explaining that he doesn’t have a cold (or COVID!): "It's sneezing from eating," he said.


For the record, here's another little-known fact:

According to the< Healthline website, Schumer's condition is known as "Snatiation," which is a combination of the words "sneeze" and "satiation."

"It refers to a relatively common but poorly understood condition that causes people to sneeze uncontrollably after a large meal...Snatiation is likely genetic and doesn’t cause any health problems. If you notice that you sneeze more after large meals, try eating smaller meals or eating slowly."

So, after mocking him and portraying him as a insensitive dolt, Jones waited until the end of her article to admitt he may be right about his condition. Thanks for demonstrating how CNS puts its agenda before the facts, Susan.

CNS kept up its anti-LGBT shots at Schumer as well. In April, an anonymous writer grumbled that Schumer "gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate on March 24 in which he applauded President Joe Biden for nominating the 'first openly transgender official ever confirmed by the U.S. Senate,'” Rachel Levine. In keeping with CNS' history of attacking Biden's LGBT nominees, the anonymous writer made sure to add: "Levine grew up in Massachusetts as Richard Levine. He married a woman and had two children. According to a 2016 report in the Washington Post, Levine “publicly announced herself as a transgender woman” in about 2011."

Another writer hiding behind anonymity whined in June:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) sent out a tweet on Sunday boasting that although he has personally marched in the New York City Pride Parade for more than two decades this was the first time a Senate Majority Leader has done so.


In yet another tweet, he provided a video of himself marching in the parade, waving a rainbow flag and saying: “Happy Pride, everybody!”

In still another tweet, he said: “I’ve marched with #NYCPride for over 20 years. It might look a little different this year, but that couldn’t stop us from celebrating because the LGBTQ+ community is strong!”

In one other tweet, Schumer showed images of himself from previous Pride Parades. “Happy #Pride!,” he said. “Taking a look back at marching with #NYCPRide through the years.”

As usual, there was no explanation for why this bothered CNS so much it made a reporter who wouldn't put a name to the work write about it.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:09 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 7, 2021 1:15 AM EDT

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