Michael Moore hasn't been a major player in American politics for years, but that doesn't keep conservatives from invoking him as a bogeyman of all things liberal or maklng jokes at his expense -- or from promoting them.
Thus, we have a Sept. 3 article by Melanie Arter with the headline "Huckabee: Outsourcing Americans’ Protection to the Taliban Is Like ‘Outsourcing Your Diet Plan to Michael Moore’." It's about an appearance by Mike Huckabee on Fox News, where he mainly fretted that "the Biden administration might be able to change the focus from the Americans left behind in Afghanistan if the media doesn’t 'keep pressing the story'" -- basically a demand that Fox News continue to obsess about Afghanistan. t wasn't until the fourth paragraph that Arter brought up the headline money quote:
“It might,” Huckabee said, “because the press lacks the curiosity and the natural cynicism that we need in the press in order to keep pressing the story. The fact is, they let Joe just turn his back and walk away, but outsourcing the future of Americans stranded and held hostage in Afghanistan as Bill aptly said, but to outsource their protection to the Taliban is like outsourcing your diet plan to Michael Moore.
Arter made sure not to mention Huckabee's own struggles with obesity.
Huckabee and Arter wasn't the only one at CNS who continues to be triggered by Moore after all these years. A Sept. 10 column by Bill Donohue complained that Moore "said that upon the evacuation of Americans from Afghanistan, it was time to defend our nation "against our own domestic Taliban." The left-wing activist previously identified them as Christians." He went on to grouse: "We at the Catholic League have also been called the Taliban, even though, to my knowledge, no one who has worked here has ever walked the streets with a machete or thrown a homosexual off a building."
Of course, given what we know about Donohue's hatred of the LGBTQ community, throwing homosexuals off buildings has likely crossed his mind if he thought he could get away with it.