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Friday, August 13, 2021
CNS Took A Subtle Swipe At Simone Biles

We highlighted how waged an attack on Olympic gymnast Simone Biles that was apparently so nasty, it felt compelled to delete it soon after it was published. But it also took a subtler swipe at Biles' withdrawing from several gymnastics events for mental reasons that remains live. Craig Bannister wrote in a July 29 "flashback" article:

A Japanese gymnast at the 1976 Olympics chose to continue to compete even though he had shattered his knee during the opening floor exercises, helping his team to win the Gold medal by a mere four-tenths of a point.

Despite the pain, Japanese gymnast Shun Fujimoto decided keep his injury a secret and to perform in both the pommel horse and ring exercises, both of which are scored, in part, on the quality of the gymnast’s dismount.


Fujimoto’s teammates had to help him onto the stage for the awards ceremony, where he says, “I started crying, because I had a responsibility for all of us; we cried together.”

Bannister's unspoken implication, of course, is that Biles shjould have toughed it out the way Fujimoto did, even though she could have seriously injured herself in the process.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:06 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 13, 2021 1:08 AM EDT

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