Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah loves his conpsiracy theories, so it's no suprrise he would latch on to some of the most noxious one regarding the coronavirus and Anthony Fauci. Farah ranted in his May 12 column:
Thanks to the excellent work by Fox News host Steve Hilton, we now know a lot about Dr. Fauci, our own Dr. Frankenstein, and the coincidence of the origins of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. He'd been involved in the controversial gain-of-function research beginning 10 years earlier in that Dutch research lab.
The gain-of-function research quickly spread to labs all over the world, and the money was flowing in from all corners of the globe, including the United States. At the forefront, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Except that didn't actually happen. An actual news organization talked to the folks who acctually got the money Fauci OK'd:
But Robert Kessler, a spokesman for the nongovernmental organization EcoHealth Alliance that NIH funded, said claims about funding gain-of-function research are based on a misunderstanding of the grant’s role in the research. He said EcoHealth provided WIV $133,000 a year, except for $66,000 in 2020 (when the grant was terminated by the Trump administration), for a total of about $600,000.
“The NIH has not funded gain-of-function work,” Kessler said in email exchanges. “EcoHealth Alliance was funded by the NIH to conduct study of coronavirus diversity in China. From that award, we subcontracted work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to help with sampling and lab capacity.” He said the citation in the paper was mainly the result of researchers’ desire to cite any possible research that contributed to the findings, with much of the funding coming from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Another funder listed was USAID’s Predict program, which helped collect animal viruses and also funded EcoHealth.)
“As described in the paper, all but two of the viruses cultured in the lab failed to even replicate,” he said. “None of them had been manipulated in order to increase their ability to spread, all the researchers did was insert S [spike] proteins in order to gauge their ability to infect human cells.”
Kessler added that “much of that work [described in the grant] wasn’t done because the grant was suspended. But GoF was never the goal here.” As he put it, “gain of function research is the specific process of altering human viruses in order to increase their ability (the titular gain of function) either to spread amongst populations, to infect people, or to cause more severe illness.”
But Farah doesn't care about facts -- he has an enemy to try and destroy from his diminished, financially challenged platform. So he ranted some on in his May 25 column:
It's time for him to go.
The man in charge of finding out to truth of how the deadly COVID-19 virus came to be.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the highest paid man on the U.S. government's payroll.
Fox's Tucker Carlson Monday provided shocking details of Fauci's "lies."
They are legion.
He knows China has been hiding the truth as he has.
Meanwhile, those of us that pursued the truth have been vilified, shunned, canceled.
The Chinese-controlled World Health Organization abruptly lost funding from the U.S. government during President Trump's reign. But it was reinstated by Joe Biden, without preconditions and with full funding, ensuring the cover-up would continue.
Is there something that needs investigation more?
The virus played such an important role in the U.S. election. Should we start by investigating that?
Think of all the disinformation that has been spun since Trump left office.
Heaven help us!
Farah is making the mistake of trusting a fellow conspiracist in Carlson, whose attacks on Fauci have fallen apart.
The next day, Farah tried to make a big deal out of Fauci saying in 2017 that he expected President Trump to have to deal with a surprise disease outbreak during his presidency -- a threat all presidents have had to face. But Farah downplayed that part, instead adding: "Can anyone think why it would not be a surprise to Fauci? He helped develop it!"
On June 4, Farah went on a tirade about Fauci being an evolutionist:
I don't believe in evolution. I believe it's a fairy tale. I believe God made us in His image – just as the Bible describes. Why should we not believe God about the way mankind was created but believe He sent a Messiah who could give us eternal life and forgive our sins?
Evolution is not a theory worth science's time – and time is what it needs, desperately.
But Fauci gave it all away. He was a phony from the beginning. And Trump tolerated him. Every president makes mistakes. This one was a doozy.
It's not surprising that Fauci got away with it – citing, as it were, "evolutionary theory."
This disease, COVID-19, the China virus, came out of the Wuhan Lab. That's where it was birthed. But Fauci very much wants to blame God for his mistake. And Fauci helped invent the virus with his funding of research at the lab. Whether it was a mistake or not, Fauci was hoping it would be a Frankenstein monster he helped to create.
He got his wish.
He was in on it – the whole enchilada. The Big Steal – everything. He gave it away – plus his career.
But there's something else he gave away. His humanity – even his very soul, unless I'm wrong and he plans to repent of his ghastly sins.
When a doctor turns into a villain whose actions lead to the death of millions to get his way, it's beyond sick.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Fauci should be prosecuted. They would look good together in a prison cell.
That's our Joseph Farah:thinking everyone else is evil, but the lies he has published at WND are totally justified.