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Tuesday, June 8, 2021
CNS Not Sure How To Handle Jenner's Political Campaign

When Bruce Jenner transitioned to Caitlyn Jenner, the transphobic didn't take it well. That continued: Bill Donohue declared in a Septmeber 2019 column: "Bruce Jenner may call himself Caitlyn Jenner, have his genitals changed, and dress like a woman, but he cannot change his chromosomal makeup: he still carries a Y chromosome (as well as an X). In other words, he is a man." And a March 2020 article by managing editor Michael W. Chapman included a picture of "Bruce Jenner, now imitating a transgender woman, Caitlyn Jenner."

Now, Jenner has not only declared she's running for California governor in the upcoming recall election but also running as a Republican and expressing conservative views in the process, and CNS doesn't quite know how to deal with it.

Craig Bannister was only mildly snarky in an April 23 article on her candidacy -- clunkily headlined "Republican Transgender Olympic Gold Medalist Caitlyn Jenner Announces Run to Unseat Calif. Gov. Newsom" -- stating that "Caitlyn Jenner, who won a gold medal in the 1976 Olympics as a biological male named Bruce, has filed paperwork to run as a Republican to replace Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom." Bannister got a little huffier in an April 29 article: "As a biological male, Jenner won the 1976 Olympic gold medal in the decathlon for the U.S., but now “identifies” as a female and has entered the race as a Republican vying for California’s governorship."

In a May 3 article, Chapman was almost giddy that Jenner was spouting right-wing (and CNS) narratives on transgender athletes, yet still amde sure to take a shot at Jenner's own identity:

Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender "female" who used to be Bruce Jenner -- an Olympic Gold Medal decathlon winner and one of the most famous athletes in the world -- said that he opposes "biological boys" who are transgender females competing in girls' sports in school because "it just isn't fair."

On Saturday, a TMZ reporter caught up with Caitlyn Jenner in a parking lot and asked, "Hi Caitlyn, there's legislation in various states to ban biological boys, who are trans, from playing in girls' sports in school.  What's your opinion on that?"

Jenner said, "This is a question of fairness. That's why I oppose biological boys, who are trans, competing in girls' sports in school."

"It just isn't fair," said Jenner. "And we have to protect girls' sports in our schools."

On May 6, Susan Jones surprisingly properly gendered Jenner in quoting her talking about "her struggle with gender dysphoria, her decision to live as a female, and her conversations with her pastor and God that changed how she’s living her life." Another article that day by Chapman repeated his sneering at Jenner's sexual identity while embracing her political stances:

The transgender "woman" Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Jenner, is running for governor of California as a Republican in a runoff election later this year. In a Wednesday interview with conservative Sean Hannity, Jenner said he supports limited government, low taxes, the border wall, the police, and ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

"I am all for the wall," said Jenner. "I would secure the wall. We can't have a state -- we can't have a country without a secure wall."

And in a May 26 article, Jones didn't even make Jenner's transgender status  an issue, not mentioning it until the eighth paragraph; instead, Jones highlighted how Jenner said "you can't have a healthy America with a sick California."

CNS, it seems, may not have quite figured out how to handle a transgender woman who is also a solid conservative.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:02 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 1:03 AM EDT

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