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Saturday, May 29, 2021
Mychal Massie Meltdown Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a domestic terrorist group, that has done more to factually harm and promote the regressive rejection of modernity than the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) did in an 86-year period, and that includes being responsible for the deaths of black people. From 1882 to 1968, there were 3,446 blacks lynched in America by the Democrat-controlled terrorist group.

BLM exists to extort massive sums of money and blackmail corporate America into doing the bidding of the rabid, demonic hordes holding elected office and the satanic demigods existing in the political shadow world, who fund and dictate the actions of BLM et al.

Nothing BLM has done or will do benefits anyone apart from its leadership and the godless entities responsible for the terrorist organization's existence.


At no time in American history have white supremacists burned down and/or instigated the burning down of entire neighborhoods in America. But BLM has fomented racist animosity toward law enforcement and entire police departments, which led to the destruction of neighborhoods in New York, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Texas, California, Missouri, Maryland and numerous other cities nationally, even spreading the spores of their malcontent to cities around the world.

-- Mychal Massie, April 19 WorldNetDaily column (who is apparently unware of Tulsa)

Many of the hyphenated-folks are celebrating as if they just won the lottery, because former Police Officer Derek Chauvin received what was a fait accompli.

Appearing as a guest on a West Coast talk show the day after the guilty verdict was rendered, I said: "Mr. Chauvin was always going to be found guilty." Mr. Chauvin's fate was sealed from the moment Floyd breathed the last breath of his shockingly wasted life. But, I digress.

Maybe one of these preening children of Belial would care to explain why they are celebrating Mr. Chauvin's conviction? What good does his conviction do them? Is Mr. Chauvin's conviction going to put food on their tables? Is his conviction going to rebuild the neighborhoods they burned to the ground, the stores that they looted or even put a table in the ashes of the slums they once called home so they can put food on it, assuming they had food?


At the time of his death, Floyd's body was all dope. In what community in America are heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine and morphine legal? These aren't recreational pharmaceuticals people use when they're just chillin' around the house breaking open 40s and watching "Low-Bron" James dribble.

These are death-inducing drugs, and the neighborhoods where they're purchased and manufactured are cesspools of uninterrupted generational violence.

Streets are being renamed after this person, a 6-foot-6, 245-pound pariah when he was alive. Schools are being renamed after him; statues and monuments are in the works. Practically every wall in the ghetto has Floyd's likeness on it.

But, what about the people he molested and assaulted? What about his contribution to moral decay and the villainous example he lived? What about the pregnant woman whose apartment he staked out and then led others in breaking into? Do these smiling people who are happy because Mr. Chauvin was convicted give a rat's tail how that woman feels today? What about her nightmares caused by having a loaded gun with hammer cocked, pushed into her pregnant belly and told unless she gave him her money he was going to shoot her baby? Has anyone asked her what she thinks? Are we to conclude that his other seven convictions should be ignored? What kind of responsible role model fathers a half-dozen children all from different women, not marrying any of them? Should we conclude he wasn't a reprobate father because the women could have killed the babies?

Floyd is just another example of godless commonality and evil his kind embody.

-- Mychal Massie, April 26 WND column

The Republican Party is dishonest, spineless and without question deceitful on every quantifiable level; but that notwithstanding, the Democratic Party is the most existential proof that evil exists, since the serpent entered the Garden.

The singular difference between the political constructs is: Republicans try to hide/deny they are wicked; while Democrats are brazenly unapologetic and demonstrative in making it clear their evil is without bottom. They are indeed the progeny of Satan. Following in the footprints of the devil himself, everything they represent is evil and anti-God. This is a fact that goes unaddressed. Even more condemnable is the fact that it goes unaddressed by the Christian church. But I digress.

The depth of Erebusic duplicity openly displayed by Democrats is beyond belief. They lie and embrace duplicitous double standards with impunity.


But their standards of propriety and their condemnation of morals don't extend to the likes of Biden's so-called assistant secretary for health, Richard Levine. Levine is praised for being a transgendered whatever. In reality he is a selfish individual suffering from a mental illness that has him convinced he's a woman. This motivated him to abandon his natural family and seek an environment where his sexual dysphoria perversion could be openly practiced – the only requirement being that he convince people to call him Rachel.

Specific to that is more evidence of the depth of Democrats' embracing of anti-God agendas. They use threat of law to assure someone like Richard Levine be referred to as a "she" and called by his assumed female name.

-- Mychal Massie, May 3 WND column

There was a time witches were burned at the stake to the joyous applause of the villagers, because doing same was one specific avenue of ridding the village and the surrounding countryside of their evil. Today witches (and no I didn't misspell the word) are celebrated by factions only marginally less demonic than the malefic witch, herself. Take, for example, the Obama woman.

Obama may not exhibit the oft-mentioned eccrine bromhidrosis of Hillary Clinton; but the woman is grotesquely more unattractive in appearance and much less accomplished. However, she is able to play the skin-color and "white people out to get me" card. And play it she does – at every opportunity, especially in situations she is able to co-opt and prostitute skin-color animus that undermines civility and promotes a toxic environment for law enforcement.


Obama spread it on thick, saying: "But every time they get in the car by themselves, I worry about what assumption is being made by somebody who doesn't know everything about them – the fact that they are good students and polite girls, but maybe their playing their music a little loud. Maybe somebody sees the back of their head and makes an assumption."

She was conveying the message that white people, and white police officers specifically, are waiting on every corner to kill blacks. I would say she's confusing V.F.W.s and police departments with the Planned Parenthood industrialized extermination centers strategically located in the ghettos.

Even by her low standards of propriety, this performance was a disgrace. The circus atmosphere and the unchallenged claims are typical of a Gayle King interview. I guess something could be said for her not wallowing around on the floor, doing pushups and jumping jacks, as she once did to the perverse pleasure of lesbian Ellen DeGeneres.

-- Mychal Massie, May 10 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:29 AM EDT

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