Topic: has spent the past year pushing the malicious right-wing narrative that President Biden is purportedly suffering from "cognitive decline." Now that he's president, CNS has been shamelessly pushing that smear every chance it can, making him look as bad and senile as it can by pulling incidents out of context:
- Joe Biden Has Verbal Breakdown—Trying to Pronounce ‘Situation’ (even though this article was published on Jan. 25, CNS still wouldn't call him "president" in the headline)
- Biden Versus the Pen: Pen Wins Struggle
- Biden: "I Get Up in the Morning and Look at Jill and Say, 'Where the Hell Are We?'"
- Biden: ‘I’m Like a Poor Relative…They Stay Longer Than They’re Supposed To’
- Biden Forgets Defense Sec's Name: 'That Guy Who Runs That Outfit Over There'
- Hannity: 'Every Single Democrat Needs to Be Asked, Do They See Joe Struggling Cognitively?'
- Biden Reminisces: 'Every Time I Got Stopped--Stopped in Chester--I Am Lost'
- Biden, in Ohio, Asks If He's Supposed to Keep His Mask On
- Biden, About to Begin Cabinet Meeting, Asks His Chief of Staff: 'Who Am I Turning This Over To?'
- Biden: 'I Want You All to Know I Used to Be a Bus Driver'
And CNS' big headline from Biden's March 25 press conference was that he purportedly suffered a "four-second mental meltdown," whatever that is.
All of which makes an April 19 article by Susan Jones doubly petulant. nShe started by complaining: "At the end of a joint interview with Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) on Sunday, 'Fox News Sunday' host Chris Wallace cornered Cornyn for questioning whether President Joe Biden is 'really in charge.'" After lamenting that "Cornyn was defensive" in his response by denying he was questioning Biden's mental health, she huffed: "Message to viewers: It's not okay to question Biden's mental competency when it was not only okay -- it was imperative -- for Democrat [sic] partisans to question President Donald Trump's."
By that standard, Jones and her CNS co-workers are Republican partisans because they apparentluy believe it's imperative to question Biden's "cognitive decline," given all the articles they have published on it.
Jones, by the way, is bizarrely sensitive about people questioning Trump's mental health, even though there was ample evidence to do so. In August she groused, "Liberal activists in the media are now focusing in particular on Trump's mispronunciations ("Yosemite") and twisting his words ("It is what it is") to make it look like he doesn't grasp the severity of the pandemic, for example. The intent is to portray Trump as cognitive impaired." And her April 19 article contains a like to a 2017 article she wrote complaining that MSNBC's Joe Scarborough went on an "anti-Trump diatribe" staing thim "to be mentally unfit for office and in the early stages of dementia."
Jones appears to be conceding that, by her own definition, she's a Republican activist, not a reporter, and it's never OK for a CNS employee to question Trump's mental heatlh.