Topic: WorldNetDaily
In a blatant abuse of editorial content for profit-making purposes, Chuck Norris turned his March 10 WorldNetDaily column into a commercial for the gold-selling company he just became a spokesman for:
In December 2020, Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes business magazine, answered the question, "Will Gold Prices Skyrocket in 2021?" with a definitive "YES!"
Forbes explained why: "The reason is an age-old one: the government churning out too much money. Since the coronavirus crisis shut down the economy, Washington has spent trillions of dollars in relief efforts. The national debt has increased more in recent months than in the previous 10 years put together. Help was needed, but most of the spending came from money being created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve. This is a formula for inflation – and traditionally that means the price of gold will be moving up, big time."
When my wife, Gena, and I decided that I would become a spokesperson for GOLDCO, it wasn't a hard decision at all. We've been a big fan of gold and other precious metals for over 40 years. Gold has always been a part of our financial portfolio. Our gold's return has also helped us make future investments and even bailed us out of tough economic times. Let me explain.
And so Norris did, all the way down to "our most prized personal use of gold. On very special occasions, giving gold coins to someone has proven much more valuable than other gifts. Gold and silver gifts are not only personal and tangible, but also provide a great memory and sentimental moment that increases their net worth as well." He also tossed innumerous exhortations that gold will skyrocket -- with the implicit claim that his readers should buy their gold at the company that hired him to say all that.
As if that wasn't enough blatant shilling, WND's Bob Unruh followed up with a "news" article that tried to play up Norris' history of paid endorsements as some kind of seal of approval:
Legendary tough-guy actor Chuck Norris has done a number of endorsements and appeared in commercials.
He became a spokesman for the gun maker Glock when the company said it was looking for a spokesman to fit its "commitment to perfection, relentless innovation and disciplined precision."
Toyota, in an ad, played on his reputation as a man so tough he can't appear on Mt. Rushmore "because the granite there isn't tough enough for his beard."
Now, the WND columnist and author of "Black Belt Patriotism" has become a spokesman for the precious-metals investment company Goldco, explaining in a column that Joe Biden's economic policies could lead to a spike in gold prices.
The company plans to produce a monthly "Special Report" from the "Walker, Texas Ranger" actor about precious metal news and investment strategies.
Unruh then rehashed Norris' column, concluding with a few random "Chuck Norris Facts."
Hopefully Goldco threw some ad money WND's way -- lord knows they need it -- for this embarrassing episode of pretending that a commercial is "news."