Topic: WorldNetDaily
January's edition of WorldNetDaily's sparsely read Whistleblower magazine carried the theme "Tribulation and Redemption in America." Of course, Donald Trump was not the cause of this; WND claims he was "fought mightily against this tide for four years, tirelessly pursuing a pro-life, pro-religious freedom, pro-Constitution, pro-America agenda." Nope, it's the liberals fault, as it usually is at WND, prompting the question: " With such genuine wickedness openly manifesting in “the land of the free,” so much that it evokes the Apostle Paul’s admonitions about “powers and principalities” and “spiritual wickedness in high places,” what can good Americans do about the precarious state of their country? During this time of genuine tribulation and even persecution, how should moral, right-thinking Americans, who work hard, love their country, honor its history and obey its laws – and who don’t pretend there are dozens of new genders and that America is a despicable racist hellhole – now respond?"
Well, WND managing editor David Kupelian is here to lecture and browbeat and share with us his particularly warped view of America. For instance, there's this list of bullet points from his lead essay, published Jan. 14 on the WND website:
Consider that in the past year the radical Left – with whose cause Big Media, Big Tech, Big Education, Big Hollywood and the entire Democratic Party totally identify – has succeeded in:
* indicting the freest, most welcoming and least racist nation on earth as irredeemably racist;
* inciting violent Marxist revolutionaries to riot, vandalize, loot and burn America's major cities;
* abandoning their former "safe, legal and rare" stance on abortion in favor of wanton celebration of late-term abortion up to the moment of birth and beyond;
* encouraging innocent children to irreversibly ruin their lives by chemically (and sometimes surgically) "transitioning" to the opposite sex – a scientific impossibility;
* using the COVID pandemic as a cover for imposing unprecedented totalitarian control over Americans; and
* gaslighting an entire nation by perpetrating the most wide-ranging, egregious and in-your-face election fraud in U.S. history while pretending disenfranchised American voters who simply want a fair and impartial investigation are the crazy ones, "trying to steal the election from Joe Biden."
And that's just for starters.
Indeed it was for Kupelian. He went on to rant that liberals "pretend the corrupt and shockingly senile Joe Biden is qualified to be president" and that thy "liken Trump to Hitler," ignoring all the times that the website he runs frequently likened Obama to Hitler and various Nazis.
In between the blathering about Marxism -- which he sees as no different from liberalism despite the fact that there are obvious differences that anyone who's not a far-right like him can see -- Kupelian did things like downplay the death toll of coronavirus, presumably because much of it occurred and was exacerbated by the actions of his beloved Trump:
The intervening centuries have all too often presented equally daunting circumstances. While today's coronavirus pandemic has taken several hundred thousand American lives, 14th century Europe had to contend with the Black Plague, which killed some 25 to 50 million people – and no treatments or vaccines. Then there have been the countless wars, the costliest being World War II with over 70 million deaths, including over 400,000 Americans. Indeed, the 20th century was the bloodiest in all of human history, dominated as it was by the ever-metastasizing Marxist cancer, which consumed an appalling 100-200 million lives.
Truth is, the human race is so regularly mired in intractable crises, one could reasonably conclude that crisis and chaos are the norm for humans, with societal peace and prosperity but rare and cherished aberrations.
Then it was back to ranting about the election being stolen, despite the fact that he can't produce a single piece of verified evidence to prove it:
First and most immediate: November's election was a freak show featuring hands-down the most massive amount of voter fraud in Americans' lifetimes. If the various states that permitted and encouraged election fraud – such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and others – aren't compelled to play by the rules, America will never again be a unified, peaceful nation – ever. So that is job one.
Even setting aside the outrageous election abuses, the major news media and tech monopolies pre-rigged November's contest long before Election Day by continually portraying Donald Trump as a Hitlerian, mentally ill traitor while casting the demented and spectacularly corrupt Joe Biden as a moral paragon and guarantor of national healing.
They all knew better, but they did it anyway.
As usual, Kupelian's solution is to revival:
Indeed, no real and lasting recovery is possible for America without a genuine spiritual revival. And each of us can and must play a key part in this revival. How? While we're engaged on every battlefront – committed to work creatively and effectively, to educate and persuade, to enlighten and awaken, and to outthink and outmaneuver the demented Left – each of us needs, as Christ commanded, to "Let [our] light … shine before men," always praying we can wage the battle righteously. And even praying for our enemies.
Christianity has historically grown during times of persecution, not only in numbers but in depth and sincerity. America's coming days promise to be very tough ones, with much persecution directed toward those who dare speak the Truth. But if good people stand up for what is right, for their nation, for what is legal and proper and moral and good – and if they do it with faith in Almighty God that He may be glorified and His will ultimately triumph – they absolutely cannot lose.
Kupelian's idea of "revival" is to force others to be the kind of right-wing Christian that he claims to be, because he's simply not patient enough to let God work his magic.
Kupelian is clearly going to cling to his far-right views, even though they played a key role in leading WND into its current ongoing financial crisis and certainly won't get WND out of it.