Topic: WorldNetDaily
The first COVID vaccine is rolling across the nation, but many Americans are not buying the hype. Despite months of nonstop publicity in the media, only about half of those polled say they will get the shot when it becomes available.
Assertions that the coronavirus vaccines are 90% or 95% effective are misleading. The term effectiveness is used by some to mean merely reducing the severity of the illness, rather than providing complete immunity.
Questions have been raised about the sufficiency of the testing data, and whether serious adverse effects such as Bell's palsy were misleadingly portrayed as being non-serious. Millions of Americans have allergies, and severe allergic reactions occurred among early recipients of the Pfizer vaccine in England.
The Pfizer vaccine is the first to use mRNA technology, which prompts a recipient's own biological cells to generate a protein in order to spark an immune response. Long-term effects of this new technology remain untested and unknown, as are its possible effects on reproduction.
-- Andy Schlafly, Dec. 15 WorldNetDaily column
Many Americans have legitimate questions about the novel vaccines being so heavily promoted. Even if the vaccines live up to their promise and do not prove to have unacceptable long-term side effects, thousands are dying NOW.
Bureaucrats ignore the fact that vaccines do not help people already sick with COVID. Sick patients need immediate combination prescription medications –which frontline physicians have been courageously doing since February, in spite of political, bureaucratic, and media opposition and intimidation.
It is past time for the media and elected officials pushing the vaccine agenda to admit their failures to educate the public about other treatment options that have been successful worldwide since March.
The true gift to the American people for this Christmas-Hanukkah season would be to widely publicize the successful early treatments, allow patients the freedom to choose one's treatment, and enable all Americans the freedom to choose to assemble, worship, work again and enjoy life. The early treatment options Sen. Johnson so courageously showcased in his two Senate hearings would indeed offer Americans a gift of hope – and a return to our core freedoms.
-- Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dec. 15 WND column
The trucks are rolling, bringing pallets of COVID-19 vaccine to distribution centers. If you are in the 1A allocation group, you'll be among the first to get the vaccine. Should you take some precautions?
Bell's palsy (paralysis of half the face) has occurred in four trial subjects out of about 22,000 who received the Pfizer vaccine; three of about 15,000 who received the Moderna vaccine; and one who received the Moderna "placebo" (a meningococcal vaccine known to cause frequent reactions). Although Pfizer claims this is about the same as the background rate (1/10,000 per year), this is 2/10,000 within a two to three month period, and is thus 8 to 12 times the annual background – and much higher if the paralysis occurred within a two-week period following the shot.
In most people, Bell's palsy is temporary, beginning to improve within a few weeks, with complete recovery in six months. Sufferers need to protect the eye that can't close properly.
The COVID vaccines are not recommended for women who are pregnant or might become pregnant. How long might a deleterious effect on pregnancy or ability to become pregnant last? We may know in a few years. There simply has not been enough time for long-term effects to emerge.
For more information on protecting yourself, see "A Home-Based Guide to COVID Treatment." For a variety of treatment protocols and physician resources, see
-- Jane Orient, Dec. 23 WND column
Manipulating the news is a standard propaganda technique for molding public behavior. Today it may be called "fake news."
It can be very hard to sort out the facts in the cacophony of conflicting statements on COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, perched as head bureaucrat at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since the 1980s, would make it very simple for you: "Just do what you are told." Don't wear a mask, or wear a mask. Go back to normal when there's a vaccine, or when 70% are vaccinated, no, when 90% are vaccinated, or maybe when 70 to 85% are vaccinated.
How do we sort out the fake news or scaremongering? The remedy for misinformation is openness and free discussion. But here are two means for promulgating errors or lies and protecting them against rebuttal:
First, under the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, section 1078, Operation Mockingbird was allegedly mobilized against U.S. citizens. This program purportedly could enable the Central Intelligence Agency to manipulate the news in the U.S. by channeling it through a foreign country – perhaps one that would benefit from destroying the U.S. economy. Federal agencies should not be funding news outlets and thereby influencing their content.
Second, social media outlets can control content with impunity under the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA, section 230), which protects them from tort liability. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., threatened to withdraw this protection if they did not de-platform certain views. AAPS filed a lawsuit asking the court to enjoin Schiff from coercing media outlets to censor information about vaccine risks. There are increasing calls to censor information that might cause "vaccine hesitancy" or "distrust of government," based on the opinion of non-accountable authorities or "fact-checkers."
Public health authorities are very worried about loss of public trust. There is good reason for distrust. Without open discussion, skepticism will only increase.
-- Jane Orient, Dec. 30 WND column