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Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Swamp Creature: WND's Kupelian Again Hypocritically Lashes Out At Non-Right-Wing Media
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Aside from being tasked to help keep WorldNetDaily alive through its ongoing financial crisis, David Kupelian's stock in trade these days is to pretend that WND always tells the truth and has never published misinformation or falsehoods while attacking other media outlets for doing those very things. So much so, in fact, that a recent edition of WND's sparsely read Whistleblower magazine is themed "Guardians of the Swamp," when it claims the "total corruption of what was once a vibrant news establishment is powerfully and insightfully explored." As if WND has ever been associated with being insightful.

The centerpiece of that issue was a rage-filled essay by Kupelian, published at WND proper on Dec. 8. He repeated a lot of right-wing media tropes:

  • Joe Biden "not only is obviously disintegrating mentally, is wrong on virtually every issue, and lies continually, but also, as recent but largely suppressed evidence proves, is one of the most spectacularly corrupt politicians in modern American history.
  • Kamala Harris is "one of the most thoroughly unlikable, abrasive, condescending, greedy, grasping, shallow and insincere candidates in a generation."
  • Trump, "the sitting president of the United States, who rescued the nation’s economy and destroyed ISIS, has since early 2016 been repeatedly compared by major U.S. news organizations to genocidal monster Adolf Hitler." Kupelian seems to have forgotten that his organization repeatedly compared President Obama to Hitler and other Nazis.

And there was also this:

Think of it: Hillary Clinton literally fomented a four-year attempted coup d’etat against Donald Trump, to whom she had lost the 2016 election, seriously interfering with and undermining his presidency. Why? To divert FBI and DOJ attention away from her own criminal wrongdoing – illegally deleting 33,000 emails after they were subpoenaed, a serious felony for which anyone else would be prosecuted and imprisoned. Yet the media, after front-paging the Trump-Russia collusion story virtually every day for years, simply moved on once their big story was proven to be the greatest political hoax in U.S. history. No apologies – none.

Just as we have had no apologies from Kupelian and WND for publishing Obama birther lies and Seth Rich conspiracy lies.

Kupelian went on to compalain that "MSNBC’s top brass determined it would make more money if it served the far left," while failing to admit that Fox News' top brass determined it would make more money if it served the far right. He then delved into coronavirus conspiracy-mongering, claiming that major media's alleged links to China are why "Credible reports from courageous Chinese virologists and other experts with intimate knowledge of the origins of the 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, who claim China intentionally created the virus in a lab, are ignored or dismissed as insane 'conspiracy theories' and banned from social media platforms in the U.S." Perhaps that's because those reports are not, in fact, credible and actual scientists who have looked into it found no evidence COVID-19 was a lab creation.

Kupelian then lectured:

One final factor that makes all these various elements come together to create a biased, blind, amoral, dishonest, but yet strangely self-righteous press: Hate.

Members of the establishment media tend to revile Donald Trump for being a genuine outsider who dared to invade their beloved realm – known as “the swamp” to outsiders – and for his promise to “drain” it of the monumental corruption, self-dealing and privilege that comprise life within the swamp. The media also hate him for championing a strongly conservative-Christian agenda – for example, appointing conservative Supreme Court justices who threaten their beloved abortion-on-demand culture. And of course, they detest Trump for publicly and continually exposing them for exactly what they are.

Hate is much more than it seems. It’s a transformative emotion that almost magically enables people to be horrendously wrong, yet to feel they are right – even supremely righteous and virtuous (for example, the mobs burning down America’s cities). In that “altered state,” down appears to be up, immoral seems moral and, most basically, evil masquerades as good.

Biased, blind, amoral, dishonest, but yet strangely self-righteous and, above all, hateful? Kupelian is projecting once again, for he and WND are guilty of all of those things. And Kupelian has masqueraded as a "good" journalist when he was sucking up to Trump, a profoundly amoral man, lying to people about Trump's nature to push a political agenda.

As much has he likes to complain about the media being "guardians of the swamp," Kupelian is a swamp creature too -- a guardian of Trump's swamp as well as the journalistic train wreck WND has become. 

Posted by Terry K. at 2:32 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 2:34 PM EST

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