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Monday, December 7, 2020
Elizabeth Farah's Post-Election Prayer Session: Trump Appointed By God, Everyone Else Is Evil
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Elizabeth Farah, as we've documented, has been using video interviews and rants posted on YouTube to put President Trump firmly on the side of God (despite being a profoundly amoral and dishonest man) and Joe Biden and anyone who votes for him on the side of evil. Since the election, Farah has livestreamed several events in which she claimed to be praying for America and the president (that is to say, Trump).

The first session on Nov. 4, the day after the election, was an eight-hour-long (!) effort that, according to Farah, began as an impromptu effort. As usual, she framed things in apocolyptic terms, declaring that America "deserves judgment" from God, allegedly because of support for abortion, and that it should be "deferred." In a lengthy "prayer" against abortion, Farah prayed for "repentence to come upon to all those who would equate, who would have the gall -- the gall to equate the lives, the murder of 61 million babies to a path that is carved by a man or men who are rude or who are boastful." Farah and WND have long argued that Trump's amorality don't matter because he delivers the right-wing goods. Farah then ranted:

God, four years ago, gave us a path to return to godly government. Not through a perfect man, not through a man who was without sin. And you,pastor, and you, teacher, who presume to condemn and to judge the heart of a man that you do not know, who has been under attack for five solid years by the most vicious, un godly onslaught of evil and unconstitutional, unlawful deeds and actions and just abominable, abominable behavior. This man, who you find less than worthy, is now facing a potential failure at the ballot box. And do you know who's responsible? It is the ecclesia. The eccdesia, the visible church, that decades and decades ago brought condemnation upon this land by packing up and going home in the pietistic concerns of, well, we wash our hands of the ugliness of politics. It's not politics, it's godly goverment we should be fighting for.

This is not about partisanship, but if one party has 90 percent of a platform or intention that is godly and good and holy and righteous, and the other party has 99 percent evil, wickedness, a glorifying, a uplifting, an elevation of wickedness -- if 99 percent of what they say is utterly wicked, and you can't live with a party or a man who is a sinner just like you?

And that's just in the first 15 minutes. Around 25 minutes in, Farah claimed without evidence that "we've seen incredible growth" in Trump while he's been in office, adding that "if you're a Calvinist, then you know that Donald J. Trump was put into office for a purpose, and by God in his soverign will." She included "his kids are too beautiful" as a reason someone might oppose Trump, then declared:

He's the most pro-life president in the United States, he put Israel firmly in our protection. He put the thing [the U.S. embassy] we call Jerusalem the capital of Israel, he comes to --  the first president to come to the national pro-life march. I mean, this a man who's done things that are unthinkable to the establishment, to the swamp. And, no, I'm not going to partisan politics. This is not ugly politics. Remember Romans 13, remember Hosea, remember all through the Scriptures: goverment is God's domain. Government! God forgive the evangelical mind and the Catholic mind and the establishment middle-of-the-road compromised, weak Christian mind. Forgive us all for equating being engaged with government and attemping to make it godly in your will, Lord. Forgive them who have said that this is mere electoral, partisan politics. God, forgive them. God, cause them to repent and to open their eyes and see what they are a part of.

There is going to be much repentence after this election. And I don't care -- if President Donald J. Trump wins, there will need to be repentence from that pulpit and from those who are typing online and that are writing their glorious, sanctimonius, pietistic analysis or judgments upon this president, what God did by putting him in. There will be repentence. There is so much judgment coming down on this country.

As usual, for all the talk of judgment and repentence from Farah, we saw no sign of repentence from for all the lies and deception WND -- for which Farah has been chief operating officer since she and her husband, Joseph, created it in 1997 -- has published over the years, including but not limited to Obama birtherism, Seth Rich conspiracy theories, and its own shady financial shenanigans.

We didn't listen to all eight hours -- we may be dutiful in our analysis, but we're not gluttons for punishment -- but we can safely assume that the first half-hour, with all of Farah's sanctimonious praying and ranting, set the pattern for the rest of the livestream.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:51 AM EST

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