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Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Hypocrisy: MRC Hated Pelosi's 'Enemy' Rhetoric, But Cheered Trump's
Topic: Media Research Center

NewsBusters blogger Randy Hall ranted in an Aug. 25 post: under the headline "Hack Journalists Yawn at Pelosi’s Vile ‘Enemies of the State’ Comment":

Just hours after the GOP kicked off its 2020 convention on Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came out swinging while calling President Trump and his fellow Republicans “enemies of the state.”

Journalists simply yawned at the California Democrat’s remark even though they had provided considerable coverage regarding comments from Trump and Congressional Republicans when he used the term “enemy of the American people” to describe the press in 2017.

Hall forgot to mention that his fellow NewsBusters at the Media Research Center didn't just yawn at Trump's "enemy of the people" rhetoric -- they actively cheered it.

We documented how the MRC mocked journalists as self-centered elites for being concerned about their safety after Trump denounced the media as the "enemy of the people" and suggested they deserved to be harassed. Tim Graham handwaved the term as "harsh" but deserved.

Indeed, Hall himself had no problem with labeling the media as the "enemy" in a 2018 post -- in fact, he wasn't all that bothered when CNN personalities stated they had recevied death threats as a result of Trump demonizing them, instead playing whataboutism by insisting that "James Hodgkinson was inspired by Rachel Maddow and Bernie Sanders to try and murder Republican congressmen in June at a Virginia baseball field."

Of course, Hall simply doesn't have the guts to remain consistent and accuse his fellow NewsBusters of being "hacks" or denounce smearing the media as "enemies" as "vile." That's the MRC double standard at work.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:04 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 10:06 PM EDT

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