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Saturday, August 31, 2019
WND Finally Admits That Alyssa Farah Is Joe's Daughter
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We were among the first to report that Alyssa Farah, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary since September 2017, is the daughter of WorldNetDaily founder and editor Joseph Farah. Strangely, that connection went unreported at WND -- even by Joseph Farah himself -- for the past two years, perhaps in a bid to keep the Trump administration from looking too beholden to the far right. Now, it appears that WND is finally ready to admit it.

In an anonymously written Aug. 14 WND article on Alyssa Farah's new job as press secretary in the Department of Defense, it's admitted -- as far as we know for the first time at WND -- that she is the "daughter of WND founder Joseph Farah."

It's unclear what caused the change of heart. Joseph Farah remains sidelined from day-to-day operations at WND while recovering from a stroke, so presumably his wife, Elizabeth -- who along with David Kupelian are running things at WND these days -- had to sign off on it. Or perhaps it was decided that admitting her family connection to a conspiracy theory-filled "news" operation is no longer the liability it could have possibly been at the start of Trump's presidency. Or it could be a grab for credibility to pull WND from financial ruin.

Whatever the reason, it's good to see WND finally confirming what we first reported nearly two years ago. 


Posted by Terry K. at 12:25 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, August 31, 2019 12:39 AM EDT

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