Topic: is such an enthusiastic promoter of everything Mark Levin says or does -- 135 articles in 2018 alone on the alleged pearls of wisdom dropping from his mouth or of the guests (and even the guest hosts) on his TV and radio shows -- that it might as well rename itself the Mark Levin News Service. Levin even rewarded all this free publicity by giving Brent Bozell, head of the Media Research Center, which runs CNS, a fluffy, logrolling interview on his Fox News show in his first show of 2019.
The stenography hasn't stopped. In the first four months of 2019, CNS made Levin's rantings the subject of 43 articles. Here's the breakdown by month:
- Mark Levin: ‘NeverTrumpers Get Dumber By the Minute…’
- Mark Levin: Media Are 'Part of the Mob That Wants to Take Down a Constitutionally-Elected President’
- Mark Levin: Pelosi and Schumer Are ‘Pathological Liars’
- Mark Levin: Trump ‘Isn’t Violating the Constitution’ by Using Emergency Powers to Secure Border
- Mark Levin: ‘Plain D--- Stupid’ to Accuse Trump Supporters of Hypocrisy on Using Emergency Powers for Wall
- VP Mike Pence with Mark Levin: Trump Promised a Wall, Border Security—‘He’s Going to Keep That Promise’
- VP Mike Pence with Mark Levin: ‘We’re Not Playing Games Here’ with Gov’t Shutdown
- Mark Levin Challenges Democratic Socialists: ‘How Can You Ensure’ US Won’t Turn Into Venezuela?
- Mark Levin on Capitalism: ‘Only in America’ Can We Choose from Endless Kinds of Turkey
- Mark Levin Cites NewsBusters: ABC, NBC, CBS Spent ‘an Enormous Amount of Time’ on BuzzFeed Story
- Mark Levin Calls Out Nancy Pelosi: ‘Radical Authoritarian’
- Mark Levin: ‘Nancy Pelosi Is America’s First Fascist’
- Mark Levin: ‘I Will Never, Ever Support Amnesty – Ever’
- Mark Levin: Trump ‘Is Right’ to Criticize Intelligence Community’s Assessment of Iran
- Mark Levin: Abortion, Infanticide Are ‘Not Modern; This Is Barbaric to the Extreme’
- Mark Levin Predicted Media Reaction to Trump SOTU: ‘It’ll Be Embarrassing,’ ‘Partisan,’ ‘Superficial’
- Mark Levin: SOTU ‘Speech Trump Gave Was the Finest Speech Since Ronald Reagan’
- Mark Levin Cautions Trump on Moving Left: ‘It’s Not Going to Work … This Is a Political War’
- Mark Levin Blasts RINOs, Leftwing Media on Nat’l Emergencies Act: Trump Rightly Views Illegal Immigration as an Emergency
- Mark Levin: ‘Nothing Like This Has Ever Happened Before in the United States of America – Ever’
- Mark Levin: SCOTUS ‘Changed the 1st Amendment,' ‘We Don’t Have a Free Press Today’
- Mark Levin: ‘We Need to Engage’ in Debate on Freebies, Taxes or ‘We’re Going to Lose This Country’
- Mark Levin: ‘I Support’ Dems Paying ‘Reparations’ to Progeny of Slaves
- Levin Sends Message to Trump from CPAC: 'We Want Our President to Know'...
- Mark Levin: ‘I Don’t Need Lectures’ from Republicans on Constitutionality of Trump’s Nat’l Emergency Declaration
- Mark Levin: ‘We Don’t Need Lectures’ from Media on ‘Objectivity When It Comes to News’
- Mark Levin: ‘Think About How Balkanized’ US Would Be If There Were No Electoral College
- Mark Levin Calls Out Republicans on Paid Family Leave: ‘What’s the Constitutional Basis for This?’
- Mark Levin Dubs Senate Republicans Who Voted Against Trump’s Border Emergency ‘The Dirty Dozen’
- Mark Levin: We Need to Spread ‘CRAP’ All Over the Country
- Mark Levin: ‘Why Would a Small State Be Part of the Union’ Without Electoral College?
- Mark Levin: ‘1,000 Years from Now’ Trump ‘Will Be Remembered’ for Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty
- Mark Levin: Greatest Danger to Freedom of Press in US Today Is Press
- Mark Levin: GOP Should Reuse Dem’s Trump Tax Record Letter, Direct It at Pelosi, Schumer
- Mark Levin on Why We Have Electoral College: Founders, Alexander Hamilton ‘Feared the Mob’
- Mark Levin: Republicans ‘Are No Better’ Than Open Border Democrats on Securing Border
- Mark Levin: Bill Barr Is Getting the Mark Levin Treatment – ‘We’re Conspiracy Nuts’
- Mark Levin: Whole Mueller Report ‘Is Bogus,’ ‘Outrageous’
- Levin: ‘It’s a Crap Report;’ Claims of ‘Real Evidence’ Against Trump ‘All B.S., From Top to Bottom’
- Levin: Trump Has Done Nothing to Freedom of Press Compared to FDR, Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Lincoln
- Levin: Senior FBI Officials 'Interfered with Our Election' More Effectively Than the Russians
- Mark Levin: If Mueller Were a Garden Variety US Attorney, He’d Be Disbarred for This Report
- Trump in Exclusive Interview With Mark Levin: I Will Never Let the Boston Marathon Bomber Vote
That's an average of one Levin stenography piece every 2.8 days. All of these articles simply repeat what Levin says, often in blockquoted text; nobody is permitted to respond.
It's ironic that Levin rants about objectivity at one point when he benefits from a complete lack of it at CNS. Levin might as well be paying Bozell and the MRC for all this fawning exposure, if he isn't already doing so.