Topic: WorldNetDaily
It's been a while since we've seen WorldNetDaily columnist Jesse Lee Peterson lecture blacks like he was a white supremacist and praise President Trump as the "great white hope." Take it away, Jesse!
Naturally, young black men with physical talents for music and sports are brought up and trained to support their ongoing self-destruction. Most had no fathers growing up – and the few fathers around were usually weak beta males. Black parents bring up children in the mass delusion of hate, blame and victimhood, creating ghettoes everywhere they go. Even “successful” blacks are very destructive.
Now blacks are hell-bent on destroying football. Black athletes dependent on the sport for their careers support its downfall! In anger, you can’t see what you’re doing.
And it’s true: Blacks just don’t care! Blacks today are very destructive. Black people are on earth for one purpose: to destroy, and not to build. The reason: It’s not in them to show respect to anyone – they don’t have love. They don’t have God. They’re angry at their mothers and disconnected from their fathers. They call good evil and evil good. In anger, lies look like “truth,” and darkness “light.”
Unfortunately, whites are so beaten down with false guilt, fear of facing angry people and accusations of “racism” that they won’t say anything to blacks! They’re unwilling to lose physical things for love of truth and fellowman.
The NFL owners and leadership are too cowardly and selfish to enforce discipline on out-of-control black thugs who turn their back on the flag, the country, the military. So younger generations watch this madness, and follow in the black thugs’ footsteps — with kids as young as 8 kneeling for the anthem, over a lie of “racism” and “police brutality” which don’t even exist.
Fortunately, President Trump is one white man with the courage and love to correct black people, calling them to be better, to return to respect for fellow Americans, which blacks had at one time. He suggested that NFL owners fire anyone who kneels for the anthem. He also decried the NFL’s compromise that allowed players to stay in the locker rooms – saying it’s worse than kneeling.
If more white men had the strength, character and love of truth that President Trump has, blacks would not be in the total darkness they’re in – and they would not be dragging the rest of the country down with them.
White people, and those of you who watch these games: it’s in your hands. You can continue to support your own destruction by supporting people who hate you. Or you can stop this evil nonsense, the decline, division and destruction of America. It’s time for repentance and unity of all decent people, to save our country.
Interestingly, Peterson somehow restrained himself from making "great white hope" reference. Perhaps he finally figured out that the racist origin of the phrase might be a tad offensive to the audience to which he's condescending.