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Tuesday, August 28, 2018
WND Promotes A Fawning Huckabee TV Interview, Calls It An 'Exclusive'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Because of its diminished state as a result of its money woes, WorldNetDaily publishes a lot less original content generated by its own writers; there's now a greater proportion of rewritten press releases and barely disguised promotions masquerading as "news." A sad example of the latter is an anonymously written Aug. 18 article presented as a "WND Exclusive":

WASHINGTON – Sarah Sanders got grilled tonight – but not by Jim Acosta of CNN.

It was her adoring father Mike Huckabee in a long-format interview on his TBN show.

After an big welcome from the studio audience, Huckabee remarked, “Well, obviously you’re not in the Red Hen Restaurant in West Virginia, right now.”

If you missed the first segment, here it is.

But, just so you know, she’s not finished…

There’s more tonight on “Huckabee.”

That's the entirety of the article.

Did Huckabee or TBN pay WND for this fawning promo about a fawning interview? WND certainly needs the money, and it certainly reads like a paid ad.

In other words, this article is lazy at best and unethical at worst. And it doesn't exactly help make the case that WND deserves to live.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:19 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 3:23 PM EDT

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