Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah offers a lament of the sorry/not sorry variety in his July 25 column:
I grew up reading the New York Times, the New York Post – and the New York Daily News.
But it looks like one of those papers is on its last legs.
This week the Daily News laid off half its editorial staff, and it appears the paper won’t be a paper much longer – moving in the direction of a digital online-only publication.
I’ll be honest, I’d feel worse if it were the Post – always my favorite. Especially in recent years, the Daily News editorial slant often made me ill.
A few years back, the paper even accused me personally of promoting “hate” on my “extremist anti-Muslim hate site,” and that I, the editor, “suggested air-dropping pig’s blood over Afghanistan.”
It was a total lie, a misrepresentation of reality. I never said, wrote or thought any such thing. I don’t hate anyone. It’s against my religion. My God and Savior instructed me to “love [my] enemies.” And that’s what I try to do by bringing them the truth, the Good News, a dose of reality in a world of deception and fantasy.
Being who he is, Farah gets that story wrong. His link to prove what he claims the Daily News did shows that it was not the paper itself directly making those accusations in an item that apparently ran in its gossip column; it had quoted a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations making the claim. Farah does correctly state that he did not make the remark about dropping pig's blood on Afghanistan; that came from a 2001 column by Paul Sperry that Farah told the Daily News was "over-the-top satire."
But Farah's denial that WND is anti-Muslim or hate-filled? Utter balderdash. WND hates Muslims so much (on top of Sperry's sao-called satire) it hired a reporter, Leo Hohmann, whose main beat was Muslim-bashing -- to the point that he and WND falsely blamed Islam for a measles outbreak in a Somali community in Minnesota when, in fact, it was WND's anti-vaxxer friends who were responsible.
Farah's claim that doesn't hate anyone is equally bogus -- just look at WND's war on Obama, which required hate as the fuel to keep it up for the past decade. And the idea that Farah believes in "the truth" and "a dose of reality"? He apparently doesn't read his own fake news-laden website.
So, yeah, Farah hates and lies. He should own it -- just as he should own the fake news that has pushed his business to the brink of death (again) and apologize for publishing.