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Monday, June 18, 2018
WND Embraces Conspiracy Theory Over Justin Trudeau's Eyebrows
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's eyebrows are weird, and WorldNetDaily wasted no time in embracing a conspiracy theory about them. An anonymous WND writer states in a June 10 article:

Social media are abuzzzzz with the question.

Does Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wear fake eyebrows?

If not, can someone explain what the public is seeing in this video?

You’ve heard of politicians raising eyebrows, but this is the first time the public has seen one lowering them – perhaps involuntarily.

Some are calling it part of the “the Trump curse,” how bad and embarrassing things seem to befall those critical of President Trump.

The article concluded with "some comments from Reddit" about Trudeau's eyebrows. WND couldn't be bothered, however, to look further into the story.

As other, more responsible websites have reported, Trudeau's eyebrows are uneven, and the look of it "falling off" can be blamed on lighting in the room.

You'd think that WND's recent near-death experience would have prompted it to evaluate the conspiracy-heavy, fake news-centric editorial policies that played a major role in leading it to that sorry state and become a more responsible and truthful "news" outlet. Apparently not.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:31 AM EDT

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