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Friday, December 8, 2017
CNS Forgets Trump Mocked A Disabled Reporter
Topic: reporter Melanie Arter goes into stenography mode once again in a Dec. 4 article to uncritically repeat the latest pearls of wisdom from Dear Leader:

President Donald Trump commemorated International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Sunday with a statement saying that “too many people around the world” believe that having a disability justifies “destroying precious human lives.”

“Too many people around the world hold the misguided view that disabilities justify degrading or destroying precious human lives or that people with disabilities should not be entitled to full participation in civic life,” he said in the statement. “This way of thinking will always be morally wrong and contrary to our Nation’s core values. 

“As Americans, we must set the global standard for ensuring those with disabilities are treated with the dignity and respect that all people deserve.  Working with other nations, we will advance the rights of people with disabilities around the world,” the president said.

Arter failed to mention that time when Trump did, in fact, degrade a precious human life by mocking a disabled reporter.

During the 2016 campaign speech, Trump mocked the movements of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski -- who has arthrogryposis, which visibly limits the functioning of his joints -- over claims that Kovaleski purportedly altered a story claiming that Muslims in New Jersey allegedly celebrated the fall of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11.

That would seem to undercut the sincerity of Trump's words, but Arter didn't think that was an important fact to relate to her readers.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:01 PM EST

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