Topic: WorldNetDaily
We thought WorldNetDaily columnist Jesse Lee Peterson offered the dumbest take on the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, which boils down to: Won't someone think of the poor, persecuted straight white men!
Now feminists are demanding “change” and using this case to smear and tarnish men across the board. These same women defended serial philanderer Bill Clinton and viciously attacked and mocked the women he abused. The reality is that whenever a tragedy, scandal or crisis occurs, the left is quick to exploit and politicize it, and bad laws follow.
For example, after recent Las Vegas shooting that killed 58 people and injured more than 500, the left immediately began manipulating the tragedy. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Rep. John Lewis, D-GA, and liberal celebrities immediately called for gun control and attacked the NRA.
Evil understands that if it can get you emotional, feeling bad or guilty, you are more likely to go along with it – even if it means passing laws that won’t solve the root problem and will directly infringe on your constitutional rights. And the new laws and policies they introduce in this emotional state always hurt decent, conservative, straight, white men.
Look at the black community. They made the black woman feel good by giving her a false sense of “power” with welfare and took the man out the home. As a result, the average black man doesn’t act or think like a man, and he doesn’t take the physical and spiritual responsibility of a man.
They tried to destroy Donald Trump during the election with false allegations and stories of “racism” and “sexual harassment.” Almost a year later, those allegations are gone and his accusers have crawled back into their hellholes.
Feminists and LGBT activists are attacking and degrading anything that is good, tough and independent.
In fact, the harassment allegations against Trump have not been proven false, and litigation regarding it is ongoing.
When we read the WND column by identity-challenged writer Mason Weaver, who basically assumes that the women making the accusations are lying:
Men taking advantage of women for sex and women taking advantage of men for sex both are immoral. What about the woman who sleeps her way up the ladder? It’s not assault, but is it fair to the women who refused to be used? One gets promoted, and the other is left back, not based on talent but because of an unwillingness to be used. Should there be lawsuits from those women who were unfairly passed over?
Many times just the accusations work, and the male is punished. Many know of cases where the woman only accuses out of spite or revenge against the man. The Hollywood starlets waited 20 years, took jobs from Harvey Weinstein, made their millions and only then comes out with accusations. They may be telling the truth, but it is hard to just take them at their words.
Look at the “power of the accusation” against the Fox News Channel, the management and on-air personalities. If the head of Fox News and the most watched cable news program cannot be safe, what do you think the lower-level employees who are accused can do? The power of the accusation, after 20 years of enjoying the power of these men, has to be considered. Do not think for a second that men are not also being taken advantage of in Hollywood.
Leave it to a WND writer to blame the victim.