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Monday, September 25, 2017
Fake News: WND Resurrects Zombie Lie About Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh writes in a Sept. 19 WorldNetDaily article:

Instances of hostility to religion across America surged 133 percent during the last five years of the Obama administration, according to a new report that documents more than 1,400 incidents ranging from the Obamacare attacks on faithful Christians to various prison restrictions on Muslims and Sikhs.

Critics say it shouldn’t be a surprise, since the former president claimed that the United States never was a “Christian nation.”

Unruh is lying -- creating fake news, as it were. As we pointed out the last time Unruh peddled this lie, Obama never said the U.S. is not, or never was, a Christian nation; he said we are not just a Christian nation.

On a side note, it's ironic that Unruh admits that Muslims are facing hostility to their religion (though only the ones in prison, apparently), given that his employer is all about promulgating hostility to religion when it involves Muslims -- to the point that it attacks Muslims for using the same federal religious freedom law it praises Christians for using.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:57 PM EDT

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