Topic: WorldNetDaily
Alicia Powe rehashes a right-wing Hillary-bashing meme in a Sept. 10 WorldNetDaily article:
The odds were stacked against Donald Trump to win the presidency in a 2016 race with an entitled Hillary Clinton.
Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state and former first lady, spent her entire adult life preparing to become the first female president, and she was the establishment candidate.
Not only were the mainstream media blatantly in favor of Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary and then Donald Trump in the general election, the Democratic National Committee brazenly admitted that it rigged its primary to ensure Clinton, even with all her scandals, would be its nominee.
At one point, she was projected to have a 90 percent chance of becoming the next president.
And when she lost, someone – anyone – had to be blamed.
Anyone but Hillary Clinton, of course.
In her upcoming 500-page memoir, “What Happened,” Clinton reportedly lists all the outside forces responsible for her stunning defeat.
Given that Powe's article appeared two days before Clinton's book was officially released, she was merely speculating about the full extent of it contents -- speculation she got wrong.
People who actually read the book before writing about it found that "Clinton doesn’t spare any of the major players from blame — and that includes herself." Mistakes she admitted making include running a "traditional" campaign against Trump's "reality TV show," as well as not realizing "how quickly the ground was shifting under our feet”" in the national mood.
Heck, even the Hillary-haters at Fox News admitted that she was "taking some of the blame" for her election loss.
In other words, the premise of Powe's article is lazy, fake news. No correction has been issued as of this writing.