Topic: WorldNetDaily
Is that all these white imperialist demons brought to far-away lands – a legacy of pain? I hardly think so. They also brought innovation and progress. Sure, there were dark moments in the history of all these explorers and conquerors, but maybe it’s high-time we treat the past as the past and ponder how far most of the entire human race has come. Not the white race or black or brown or yellow race – the human race.
I say most of us because I am reminded of the tribe that was just recently discovered in the Amazon rainforest.
However improbable, photos emerged, just this past November, of a tribe living in complete isolation in the depths of the Amazon jungle. They know nothing of the rest of the world. They live virtually as the cavemen did.
Is this the existence you leftist protesters and “indigenous” peoples want? No running water, no indoor plumbing, no electricity, no modern conveniences of any kind? Living hand to mouth? Really?
This may seem controversial and may sound abrasively racist, but without the “imperialist” explorers of old, I dare say that most of the “indigenous” people on various continents would still be living as the Amazonian tribe is currently.
We all wish that ignorant white explorers hadn’t treated others the way they did, but history is what it is. Try as they might to erase it, what happened, happened, and there’s no going back and no changing it.
But I’ll also bet that given the choice between being a modern-day black American, European or Aboriginal Australian, any and all would choose their current faux-oppressive state to merely existing as part of the lost Amazonian tribe.
-- Brent Smith, Aug. 25 WorldNetDaily column