Topic: WorldNetDaily
As with smokers, the gender make-believers in our military could adjust as well – to reality. Hopefully, our president’s sudden but wise policy change will be fully implemented and obeyed in all branches of the armed forces.
After all, hasn’t the rallying cry for decades been to allow people to “be who they are”?
So it makes no sense that America is being blackmailed in our schools, our workplaces and in the military (before Trump’s promising new order) to permit gender-defiant people to be … who they are not.
Consider Charmaine, a sergeant in the U.S. Army. Sobbing to fellow soldiers and to a sympathetic reporter, Charmaine believes Donald Trump is the devil incarnate.
“He’s banning transgender people from serving their country!” And Charmaine, whose real name is Charles, has a dog in this fight, believing “she” will now be prevented from serving “her” country.
And Charles will be unable to take advantage of the generous benefit of taxpayer-funded cosmetic and deconstructive treatment (aka, surgical mutilation) as ordained by the Obama administration.
Hopefully, military leaders will soon receive a formal Trump order to end gender pretense in the troops, and then they will put an end to this extremist nonsense. The Army has already conducted indoctrination sessions for females to accommodate biological males in their showers.
Back to Charmaine – let’s call him Charles, since that’s who he is. Charles is wrong.
He is not barred from service. His current bizarre behavior is banned but, like smokers, behavior can change.
Just lose the lipstick and wig, and if no other personnel issues surface (like possibly, insubordination), Charles would be welcome to stay.
Charles is a fictional character, but you get the point. There is no ban on “people.”
These same individuals can serve faithfully, if they are willing to end the nonsensical, anti-biology masquerade.
Rebels have a choice. I’m not minimizing the struggle that may ensue, but an honest self-assessment needs to take place. Do they really want to serve their country? Or themselves and their unstable perceptions? What matters most?
You can’t fool Father God, the Creator of two sexes from the beginning of time.
And the military is not a social experiment. The armed forces’ mission is to protect our country. But no soldier or sailor can be ready to protect America while consumed by a foundational discomfort about sexual identity. This ought to come naturally.
When it doesn’t, counseling and possibly a new choice of vocation are the logical next steps.
But every current or future enlisted person has a choice, because no one is born in the “wrong sex body.”
You can serve America, or serve your own demons. America and biology would be the better options.
-- Linda Harvey, Aug. 1 WorldnetDaily column