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Wednesday, June 7, 2017
MRC's War on Reza Aslan Continues, Now With More Ranting
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Reserarch Center is still raging at CNN host Reza Aslan for criticizing Donald Trump, sending out tweets every hour on the hour demanding that CNN fire him. (As we've detailed, the MRC was much more chill about Rush Limbaugh being just as vulgar toward Sandra Fluke.) But manufacturing outrage just isn't getting the job done, so the MRC has decided to be even more shrill.

A June 5 post touts how the MRC's Tim Graham made a "must-see joke" -- touted on the front page of NewsBusters as a "funny joke" -- about Aslan and CNN's failure to capituate to the MRC by immediately firing him during an appearance on (of course) Fox Business. Pro tip: If you have to sell your joke by telling people that it's "funny," it probably isn't. Indeed, we watched the segment and didn't laugh once.

Meanwhile, MRC chief Brent Bozell gets all ranty again in an open letter to CNN president Jeff Zucker:

For CNN to continue to do business with someone so vile as Mr. Aslan after Kathy Griffin's sickening stunt is tantamount to announcing to conservatives that you consider them nothing more than a basket of deplorables.  If, Mr. Zucker, you want to do the right thing and correct this notion, you must immediately end CNN's relationship with Mr. Aslan and apologize for the disgrace he has brought to your network. 

Bozell didn't make any similar appeal to dignity to Rush Limbaugh's syndicator.

Graham and Bozell then combine their rantiness for a June 7 column rehashing their previous rants and whining that Aslan "really doesn't like conservative Republicans." Limbaugh doesn't like liberal women, but Graham and Bozell are totally down with Limbaugh being vile toward them.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:04 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 2:24 PM EDT

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